Chapter 7

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*5 months later*

"Dude. I'm going to go surfing!" Liam said, mocking an australian accent. (Which he failed miserably.)
Erica rolled her eyes and turned to Taylor and AJ. Taylor, AJ, Erica, Bradley and Liam were walking home together since it was the last day of school. They were all going to Taylor's house, which didn't take long to get to her house since it was walking distance from the school.
"That was the worst accent ever!" Erica exclaimed, elbowing her boyfriend.
"I guess British and Australian don't mix."
Erica laughed as she turned to her girls. "Have you heard from...what's her name?" AJ asked Erica.
"Eleanor?" she asked, making sure they were talking about the same person.
"She's most likely on the bus with Ryan."
AJ laughed and took a deep breath. "Smart girl with a football player. There's something wrong with that."
"Why? She's cool," Erica said.
"Sure, but I never seen a smart geek with a hot football player. It's just...weird."
"Whatever you say, but she's a cool and nice person. This isn't the 60's. You should give her more credit than being the smartest girl in the 8th grade," Erica argued.
AJ shrugged in defeat and moved onto another topic. "What are we going to do tonight?" she asked.
Erica shrugged and looked at Taylor. "What did you have in mind?"
"I don't know. It depends what the guys want to do. I planned a movie night for us girls, but..."
"Depending on the type of movie, Liam should be fine with that."
"Liam should be fine with what?" Liam asked, exiting his own conversation.
"Taylor is planning a movie night."
"Really? What kind of movies?"
"Horror, comedies, and there's also some crime shows Erica and I would be interested in watching," Taylor replied.
"No romances? I thought girls were into that kind of stuff," Bradley said, looking at Taylor.
"Oh. We're saving those for our girls night out," Taylor said, smiling.
Bradley rolled his eyes. "Us guys like to have more fun than that."
"You're almost in 8th grade. What kind of fun can you guys do? Play Uno?" Erica asked, laughing which caused the girls to laugh.
"We're outnumbered. We need another guy in this group," Bradley told Liam.
"Yeah, I think I agree with you," Liam said, scratching his chin, looking at the girls.
"What about Adam? He's pretty tight with us," Bradley suggested.
"I guess... We've hung out a few times."
"Yeah! He should join this group," Bradley decided.
"Out of all pick Adam?" AJ demanded.
"What's the problem? What's wrong with Adam?" Liam asked, smiling.
"Nothing. Nothing is wrong with him. He just gets on my nerves. He always thinks he can get any girl in the world, but he can't!"
"I think there's more to the story than that. Do you guys have a history?"
"History? We're only in 7th grade! How can we have history?"
"You know what I meant," Liam said.
"Yes, I did, but to answer your question... We have a small past, but it's not that bad," AJ replied.
"What happened?" Taylor and Bradley asked over and over until she answered.
"OK! I'll tell you. We didn't really date or anything, but he dated my sister..."
"Bridget is your sister?" Bradley asked.
"Yes. She's one year older than me, but yes she's my sister."
"Why are you mad about him dating your sister?"
"I'm not mad at him. He's mad at me. My sister broke his small little heart last year," AJ said, giggling at the end.
"Is that why whenever he walks by you, you give him a death stare mixed with some swoon?" Liam asked, laughing.
"I don't do that. He's the one that's mad at me, so I should be mad at him. I can guarantee you that he will not join our "group" because of me," AJ said, shrugging like she didn't care.
"We'll see about that, AJ. You're going to see a lot more of Adam this summer."
"Joy," she said with sarcasm as they crossed the road.
Bradley and Liam laughed as they walked into Taylor's house. They walked straight through the house, and they went out in her backyard. Her backyard was huge, and it had a porch big enough for all of them to sit down in the shade and chill. They all set their book bags in a corner of the porch, and they went onto the grass and sat down.
"I love coming here. It's the best place to chill," Bradley said, laying down on his back.
Taylor laughed and went inside to get drinks.
"How are you guys?" Erica asked Bradley.
"What do you mean?" he asked, closing his eyes.
"You and Taylor. You guys are dating right?"
"Yeah we are... We've only dated for a month though," Bradley replied, shrugging while laying in the grass.
Erica nodded and decided to leave it alone there. Erica scooted closer to Liam and smiled. "You okay?" she asked when she noticed he was looking up at the sky.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking."
"Thinking about what?" Erica asked.
"Briana," he said and regretted it.
"Briana? Why her? I thought you didn't like her!" Erica said, getting steamed up.
"No. No, not like that! I meant I've been wondering whatever happened to her. She hasn't been back to school since she apologized to you that one day," Liam said with concern.
Erica gulped and looked at the ground. "If you're worrying about her, you should go find out where she is."
"Erica. I didn't mean it like that. I'm just wondering. She might've run away or something," Liam said.
Erica looked at him and didn't know what to say. "She couldn't have," Erica said.
"It's possible," someone said behind them. They both turned around and they took a deep breath of relief when they saw it was only Taylor.
"You think it's possible she ran away or worse?" Erica asked confused.
"Yeah. They've been talking about it on the news for a few months now."
"Talking about what?" Erica asked, standing up.
"About how she vanished from school."
"When did this happen?"
"About a week after we embarrassed her in front of everyone at that one basketball game.." Taylor replied a little embarrassed herself.
"What happened? Did she just run away or was it something worse? Did she commit suicide?" Erica asked.
"I believe so. The case was closed yesterday," Taylor said.
"How come no one else heard about this?"
"They have, but they decided it wasn't best to talk about it."
There was silence amongst the group until..."I'm a murderer," Erica said to herself.
"No, you're not," Liam said.
"Yes, I am! If I would've stopped you guys from embarrassing her, she would still be alive. It's my fault," Erica argued.
"It's called revenge. She deserved that, and it's not your fault that she died. She decided to do that instead of being strong and going on with her life," Liam argued back.
"Really? How can you say that? You guys embarrassed her in front of everyone and she started getting harassed after that! That wasn't right. I was just getting bothered by one person, not the whole school!"
"Guys... It's no one's fault except hers. There's no need fighting about it," AJ exclaimed.
They decided to not talk about it anymore, but that didn't mean no one felt guilty about it. AJ was right. It was Briana's fault, but Erica couldn't see that. Erica just shook her head, took a sip of her drink and went inside.

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