Chapter 28

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"Mom? Are you okay?" AJ asked her mom again. Her mom nodded her head, but she ended up closing her eyes again. AJ looked down at the floor before looking back at her so-called-sister.
"You have no heart. How could you do this after all that Mom has done for you for the past years?" AJ demanded.
"You still don't get it, do you? She's not our mom."
AJ shook her head and laughed. "Bridget. Even if there was any possible way for her not to be our mother, she still supported us through everything and anything! You had no reason to hurt her, and you definitely had no reason to do anything to Adam or myself. If you want to explain yourself and help me understand what you're going through, I'll be happy to listen, but just why?" AJ said, looking at her sister with disgust.
"Why?" Bridget repeated. "I'll tell you why. This woman you are deciding to call our mother has been keeping a secret from us about our real family. She decided to not say anything at all about it! If you can be blinded by it, fine by me, but I'm not going to stand for it. I want to know who my real parents were, and I don't want any more lies."
"If this is about our parents, then why did you hurt Adam and I?"
"Attention. I wanted attention, so I could let everyone know how I feel. How this woman betrayed us by hiding who our real parents are."
AJ took a deep breath and looked at her mother. Her eyes were blinking, but she was still blacked out. She sighed and looked back at Bridget.
"Bridget...You didn't have to do all this to get our attention. We've been sisters ever since I was born. I would've listened. I would've understood. Why can't you see that you have people that care about even if what you're saying is true?"
"You really think somebody is going to care about me after this? I'm running away once I let you go, and I will not see you or anyone else ever again," Bridget said, clearing her throat while looking at their mother.
"You don't have to," AJ said, standing up.
"Yes. Yes, I do. I will be put in jail if the police catch me because of Adam and you. I'll be with my boyfriend, but other than that I'm alone. I need to find my real parents, and no one is going to stop me."
AJ just shook her head. "Did you even talk to her about what you're feeling?" AJ asked, pointing to her mother.
"No. I just made her pass out and brought her here."
"Don't you think we should hear her side of the story?"
"What for? I already know the truth."
"How? How do you know this? Who told you?"
"Our so-called father."


Liam and the crew walked up to the front door of Bridget's boyfriend's house, and they nearly pounded on the door. They had to knock on the door a couple times until Bridget's boyfriend opened it and looked at them with a disgusted look. "The police were already here, now you? What the hell do you people want?"
"We never said we worked for the police," Adam said, getting face to face with him.
"You might as well be. Let me guess, you're here asking about Bridget's sister."
"Actually..." Erica interrupted, gently pushing Adam aside. "I wanted to talk to you about Bridget."
This caught him by surprise. "Bridget? Is that because you've heard about the crimes she is responsible for?"
"She's responsible for crimes? Are you sure? I've been friends with her for awhile now, and I haven't heard any of this. I just have been worried about her. Can we come in to talk? I promise it won't take long," Erica said, slightly standing up straighter to look over his shoulder.
She looked back at him since she couldn't see anything but another door behind him. He looked hesitant, but he stepped aside. Erica smiled and winked at him before stepping through the other door. Once everyone was in the house and seated, Erica began to speak again. "So what is exactly going on?"
"Oh...Well...her sister...You see gone missing, and she's been looking for her, and she's been scared lately because the cops are after her because she "raped" AJ's boyfriend..." he looked over at Adam who was cracking his knuckles once he said that. He cleared his throat. "She's been hiding out since everyone is after her."
"Aren't you protecting her?" Erica asked.
"Of course I am. She's upstairs safe and sound."
"No, I mean...Are you protecting her lies?"
He looked at her, shaking his head. "I..I..I would never lie like that."
"Are you sure? I just don't want you getting in trouble, too."
"I'm not."
"Just be careful. I've known Bridget for some time now, and I know she would do anything to get her way. If it meant shoving you into the spotlight of trouble and running, she would do it. I'm just warning you because you have so much going for you. You're athletic, tall, handsome, great at sports...I even think that you could get a scholarship for football. You could become a very famous football player one day, but if you're going to let Bridget hold you back..."
"You think I'm handsome?"
Of course that's what he heard.
She straightened up and cleared her throat as she looked at Liam. He gave her the be careful with your words look. She nodded and looked at Bridget's boyfriend again.
"Anyone could tell you that, but since I'm taken, I can't really give any other compliments than that. You should see it by now. I saw how many girls you were around when you were in school, and that was way before Bridget. You were popular and well-liked. What happened?"
He looked at her and sighed. "Bridget didn't want me hanging out with my friends as much when we got serious."
"Go on," Erica said.
He gulped and continued. "When we first went out, I thought she was care-free, outgoing and beautiful, which that was already true, but now it's different, you know? I love her and everything, but everything that's been going on, I don't know what to do anymore..."
While he explained himself, Erica rubbed her cheek to give Liam the signal to start recording on the device he was hiding in his pants pocket. He nodded and pressed the button while Bridget's boyfriend was distracted in himself.
"Anyways, that's what happened. I just feel like Bridget has been controlling lately, you know?"
"Hey, I understand, but let me ask you something. Do you think she's guilty at all of these things?" Erica asked, hoping he wouldn't catch on.
"Oh yeah. She's definitely guilty. She even took pictures when she hurt AJ, kidnapped her, and raped Adam. If you ask me, that was stupid, and I'm supposed to be the stupid one," he said, laughing as he looked at Erica.
"Pictures?" Adam interrupted.
"Yeah man. I have them all right here," he said, pulling out her phone.
Adam elbowed Liam and exchanged looks. Erica noticed it and nodded. She stood up and sat next to him. "Hey, do you mind if you send those to me? I'm really worried about Bridget, and my mom has been wondering about her, too. We've been worried sick. My mom wants to know what she's been doing these past couple months."
He looked at her and smiled. "You and Bridget are really close, aren't you?"
"No one has ever been closer," she lied through her teeth.
He shrugged and patted her on the back. "Why not? I'll send them all to you right now, then I'll delete them from her phone so they can't catch us," he said, taking out his and Bridget's phones.
"Thanks. You have made this whole situation better," Erica said, winking at the crew once he was into his phone.


AJ's mother opened her eyes and looked over at her daughters. They were face to face with each other, and she could see that Bridget was about to break down. She knew her daughters very well, and she could tell that one of them was going to break down to either crying or screaming. She watched them for awhile until AJ turned her head. "Mom? Are you awake?" She tried to find her voice, but all she could do was sit up and nod.
"AJ, I told you..."
"Bridget, please not now. Work with me here."
"It's...It's okay," she choked out. She looked at Bridget who was avoiding eye contact.
AJ smiled and hugged her. "I'm so glad you'll be okay."
"AJ, you seriously disgust me."
"Shut up, Bridget. She's strapped to a chair, and you're disgusted with me?"
"Fine, I'll untie her if she's willing to tell the truth."
"Truth? Truth about what?"
"About lying about us being your daughters."
"I don't know..."
"Don't lie!" Bridget screamed and was prepared to jump on her, but AJ jumped in front to block her target.
"Calm down, Bridget."
Before Bridget could cuss her out, her mother stood up, pushed the chair away and stood up free. She was untied for awhile now, but she was gaining her strength back, so she could fight her way out of it.
"Now Bridget. Is this about what your father told you?"
"What else would it be about?"
Her mother sighed and sat back down. "I'm so sorry. You have it all wrong. I didn't take you away from your real mother because she couldn't take care of you. She gave me you until she felt like she was responsible enough to have you."
"You're lying."
"No I'm not. What my husband said was out of anger because what you did to AJ and Adam, okay? What I'm saying is the truth. If you want to know the whole story, we can talk about it over some food. I know you hate me right now, but we shouldn't starve because of it."
Bridget glared at the woman she used to call mother, then she stormed out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen.
AJ grabbed her mom's arm gently after Bridget stormed off. "Mom, are you okay?"
"Honey, I'm fine. I'm a little dizzy still, but as soon as we get out of here, I'll get checked out at the hospital. You don't have to worry."
AJ nodded and looked at the door. "I just can't believe this is happening..."
"Me either, baby," her mom said, pulling her in for a hug. She caressed AJ's hair as she said, "Everything will make sense soon, I promise."
"I'm not really worried about it right now. I just want Bridget caught and held accountable for her actions."
"She will be. I just know it."
AJ pulled away from her mother and smiled. "Let's go down there before she flips out and comes back."
"Good idea. Let's get this over with and get home, putting this all behind us."
"I couldn't be more impatient for that moment."
They giggled together as they made their way down the stairs. 

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