Chapter 20

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Erica was strapped to her bed that night, and she couldn't move. She was just so heartbroken that Rick would do that to her. All she did was have a simple conversation with Liam, she wasn't trying to date him again even though she really wanted to. Her phone was being blown up all night by Rick and Taylor.
Taylor: Brad told me what happened. I'm so sorry.
Erica sighed and messaged her back.
Erica: It's not that big of a deal.
Taylor: Yes it is! He broke your heart.
Erica: Used to it.
Taylor: I'm coming over.
Erica: K.
Erica really didn't care at this point. Her best friend was gone, she had two breakups since summer started, and all she had was Taylor. She has AJ, too. The thing with AJ though is that she was hooked to Adam, so she didn't hang out with them as much as she used to. Erica checked her phone and there was some messages from Rick.
Rick: I didn't mean anything I said.
Rick: I'm sorry.
Rick: Please forgive me.
Rick: I'm in love with you...
Erica had to reread that one. She read it 5 times, and it still said 'I'm in love with you'. Lies. All Lies.
Rick: Please talk to me.
Erica laughed as she typed...
Go find another girlfriend. I'm done.
Rick: What do you mean?
Erica: It's time for us to move on.
Rick: Come on...I'm sorry :(
Erica: I'm sorry, Rick. I want to be with you, but after you saying that... I realized how easy it would be for you to break my heart. I can't go through anymore heartbreaks. I just can't.
Rick: I'm sorry. Come over, and I'll prove it to you.
Erica: I don't know. I'm hurting right now.
Rick: I'm sorry.
Erica: I know. So am I. I'll see you around, Rick.

"I'm really scared right now," AJ said as they walked into the school.
"Why?" Erica asked, smiling.
"I'm scared of the new you."
"I'm the same Erica, but I'm just going to be more...Outgoing."
"That's what I'm afraid of."
"Don't worry about it."
"You're over Rick, right?" AJ asked.
"Yeah, why?" Erica asked.
Erica looked at AJ, and she was pointing her finger over to the cafeteria. There stood Rick, sitting next to a group of girls his age. Erica took a deep breath and watched him smile and laugh with the girls like he never knew Erica. Erica looked away and smiled.
"If he wants to hang out with them, he can. I'm over him," Erica said, noticing a couple guys walk toward them. She smiled and made sure that Rick was looking at her, which he was. When the guys walked in front of them, Erica grabbed one of their arms, and she kissed one of them. She didn't care what anyone said, but she knew she got Rick's attention.
She pulled away from the kiss and smiled at the guy before they walked away. Rick's jaw was dropped, and Erica smiled at him before disappearing down the hall with Taylor and AJ.
"Well played," Taylor said, smiling.
"You're starting to make me look bad," AJ said, laughing.
Erica laughed as they walked to their lockers.
This was a new beginning for Erica, and Erica knew that she has changed so much since she started high school.


"Ninth grade is totally zipping!" one of the boys in Erica's class said.
"Is zipping?" Erica asked.
"Yeah! We already passed Christmas. We are already in March!" he continued to exclaim.
"Okay, dude. We get it, you're excited," AJ said, rolling her eyes. He frowned, and he sat back in his chair as the teacher walked to the front of the room. Erica sighed as she snuck her phone out of her pocket. She saw that she had a few messages from her boyfriend and a few other guys. She sighed and put her phone back in her pocket before the teacher noticed she had it out. He started to explain what their new project was going to be doing the next month, but Erica blocked him out as he talked. She sighed and looked over at one of the guys that messaged her. Even though she had a boyfriend, she still talked to other guys.
She was friends with a lot of guys, and she was kind of happy about it. Rick and her haven't spoken to each other ever since that day she kissed a random guy in the hallway. It didn't bother Erica though. She found out a week later that Rick made love with one of his ex-girlfriends the night Erica said it was officially over with them. She didn't bother to talk to him about it because he had a right to do whatever he wanted since they were broken up.
 "Are you okay?" AJ asked her.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Erica said as they were dismissed from class.
"Are you sure? You were looking pretty sad for a second."
"Yeah, I promise," Erica said when her boyfriend joined them.
"Hey babe," he said, giving her a hug.
 She was dating one of the football players, Caleb Jones. Caleb has dark brown eyes, light brown short hair, was 5'9, had large biceps, wears sports jackets over plain colored t-shirts and jeans and he was AJ's cousin. She was scared to date him at first. She didn't want to hurt Caleb and ruin AJ and her friendship. They have been dating a month, and Erica seemed 'chill' about it. She didn't want to show too many feelings for him because she didn't want to get hurt or she didn't want to hurt him.
 "Did you have Science class yet?" Caleb asked Erica.
"No. Taylor and I have that class after lunch."
"Yeah, I heard there is supposed to be a test or pop quiz," Taylor said.
"Yeah, there is. It was pretty easy," AJ said, shrugging.
"Yeah for you! I failed that thing." AJ laughed.
"Maybe if you actually paid attention in class, you wouldn't have." Caleb shrugged and kissed Erica's head quickly.
"See you later, babe. I have to go to Math," Caleb said, groaning before turning around.
Erica smiled as she watched him walk into the Math room which had mostly girls in it. The old Erica would've been jealous, but this Erica didn't really care.
 "He's something. Why are you dating him again?" AJ said. Erica shrugged.
 "I need some distraction."
 They all disappeared in different classrooms and spent the rest of the day alone until lunch. 

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