Chapter 12

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*A couple months later*
This week was the first week of Christmas vacation, and also, this was Liam’s last week with Erica and everyone he grew comfortable with. Next week, he would be in Illinois. Liam and Erica couldn’t ignore the fact that he was leaving. All they could do was hope that they could hold themselves together after he leaves. They were walking into the mall, and it was the most awkward walk they have ever had. 
“Erica. This doesn’t have to be awkward. I know I’m leaving this Sunday, but that doesn’t mean we should go about the situation like I’m dying.”
“I wasn’t. I was just…”
“Shhh. I know, Erica. Let’s just enjoy this week like we enjoyed these last couple months,” Liam said before they walked through a different section on the mall. Erica just nodded and followed him, looking around for clothes. 


Erica couldn’t concentrate at all. All she could think about was her boyfriend/best friend was leaving her. She wished that she didn’t have to focus on this so much, but she couldn’t help herself. She just wished that he didn’t have to go. Why couldn’t they settle somewhere in, at least, a different town only an hour away? None of this was fair to anyone. They could’ve easily picked a house right near this town. Why look into another state? What was his dad trying to prove? Erica sighed. Sometimes, I wish his dad never came back. I mean, his dad is gone for a year, comes back and thinks he can just take Liam from me?
Erica shook her head, trying to push the thoughts away. Erica was on her way to a section in the mall where they sold food when she was stopped by someone she didn’t know. She turned around and saw a boy about an inch taller than her holding his hand out to her. 
“Who are you?” she asked as nicely as possible.
“You don’t know me? I thought we knew each other ever since 7th grade when we had to sit by each other in Science.”
Erica just looked at him.
“Oh, I know,” he said, snapping his fingers. “I was the shy guy that you always tried to talk to…”
Erica’s eyes grew wide. “Luke?”
He smiled and nodded. “It’s me.”
“Oh my… You...You’re not the shy boy anymore?”
“Nope. My brother has taught me this past year how to be more… Talkative,” Luke said, smiling a little bit. 
“Wow. Well, I’ll catch up with you later. I have to meet Liam here for lunch,” Erica said, turning and walking straight for the lunchroom before her mind exploded. Luke actually talks.
Erica laughed at herself for thinking that, but it’s funny that someone who was so shy walks up to you and talks to you like a whole different person. Erica made it to the lunchroom and saw her lovely boyfriend… The guy she was going to miss so much.
“Hey, Liam,” Erica said, walking up to him.
“Hey, how was your day shopping?”
“Boring, where have you been?” Good, keep having a good attitude like he was never leaving.
“Oh, you know...Here.”
Erica laughed and tapped her foot as she waited for one of the ladies in front of her to move up in the line.
Liam looked over and noticed that she was smiling, staring into space. “Hey, Erica.”
She turned to him. “Yes?”
“What’s on your mind? You’re staring off into space.”
“Oh, nothing. It’s just…” Erica trailed off, laughing a little bit. “Remember Luke?”
“You know? The shy guy that sat by me in Science? Ted’s brother?”
“Oh! Yeah, what about him?” he asked as the ladies moved up.
“Well, he came up to me before I came here—”
“He came up to you? Like… Against his own will?”
“Liam, he actually started a conversation with me!” Erica smiled at him. “How ‘bout that?”
“You’re lying!”
She shook her head. “No, I’m serious. I didn’t even recognize him at first because he got a haircut.”
“That’s crazy.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Hey, Erica?”
“Yes, Liam?”
“Can you move up?”
She turned around and saw that the ladies were gone. The line was almost empty. “Oops.” She moved up and turned to Liam. “Happy?”
She shook her head and shoved him, playfully. 

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