Chapter 17

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“You sound pretty happy with this Rick guy,” Taylor said, leaning back in her chair. 
“I am. It’s unbelievable! When I’m with him, I don’t know how to feel, and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”
“Just listen to Justin Timberlake’s song called ‘Not a Bad Thing’. I love that song!” AJ exclaimed, smiling.
Taylor and Erica laughed, and they looked at each other. “Thank you guys for telling me to forget about Liam for now and enjoy other guys. I think this will be good for me.”
“You’re welcome. That’s why we’re here...To lead you in the right direction.”
Erica smiled. “So, anything new with you guys?”
“I’m still recovering from mine and Bradley’s breakup, but other than that I’m feeling amazing,” Taylor said.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. You’ll find someone,” Erica assured her.
Taylor shrugged and nodded. “What about you, AJ? Are things okay with you and Adam?”
“Things are amazing, and I’m actually surprised,” AJ said, smiling so hard she was surprised her jaw didn’t disconnect. 
“Did you guys do anything romantic yet?” Erica asked her.
AJ just looked at her with embarrassment. “Why would you think we would?”
“Like...Did you guys kiss yet?”
“Many times.”
Erica smiled and laughed. “That’s what I thought. I hope you guys haven’t went farther than that.”
“We were about to, but I stopped him and said I wasn’t ready. He was completely fine with that, thank god.”
Taylor and Erica laughed and sighed. “I’m glad I didn’t do anything further with Bradley. I want my first time to be really special.”
“Same here,” Erica and AJ said in unison
They all smiled and looked at each other. “Who wants ice cream?” Taylor asked, suddenly.
Everyone chanted ‘me,’ and they all walked into Taylor’s house.


“Does your girl have any single friends?” Brad asked Rick.
“My girl?”
“Yeah, you guys are dating right?”
“Yeah we are, but I wouldn’t call her ‘my girl.’”
“Anyways, does she have any single friends?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“You haven’t asked her?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Why not?”
“I thought you already had a girlfriend.”
“No, man. I don’t. Why do you think I’m asking you this question?”
“I really don’t know.”
“Man, you’re stubborn,” Brad said, taking a sigh in defeat.
Rick smiled and looked at his phone again to check if Erica has messaged him back yet. Of course it’s been only 2 minutes since he messaged her, but he just wanted to talk to her. 
Then, his phone started ringing, and he nearly jumped 10 feet in the air.
“Dude, don’t piss yourself. It’s just a phone call,” Brad said, laughing at him.
Rick rolled his eyes, and he answered the phone.
“Hey, are you at home?”
“Yeah, but Brad’s with me.”
“Oh ok. Well, I was heading home from my friends, so I was wondering if you were free.”
“Yeah, I’m free. You can come over.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude on your and Brad’s day.”
“You won’t. Just come over.”
“Only if you’re sure…”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay. I’ll be there.”
Rick smiled as he hung up the phone. He looked up since he felt someone staring at him, and when he looked at him, Brad had a smirk on his face.
“Can I help you?”
“Your girl’s coming over? This is going to be interesting.”
“Shut up.”
“What? I’m excited to meet your girlfriend, so when she comes over..”
“Don’t ask her if her friends are single.”
“Why not?”
“Why would any of her friends date you?”
“Many reasons,” Brad said, having another smirk on his face.
“Keep those reasons to yourself. I don’t want to know.”
“I wasn’t going to tell you anyway.”
“You’re such a dumbass.”
“Um, I’m sorry. Didn’t you befriend ME?”
“I thought you were cool, then.”
“You’re just sad because I’m not gay.”
“Other way around, dude.”
“I could take that to so many levels.”
“I bet you could.”
“Why can’t I ask if she has single friends?”
Rick sighed. “Dude.”
“Come on.”
“Just don’t make her uncomfortable. I’ll have to beat your ass.”
“Bring it on, big boy.”
Rick rolled his eyes, getting up and heading toward the kitchen. He leaned over, and he grabbed the apple juice from his fridge. He grabbed a glass, pouring a good amount in his cup. He put it back and he yelled, “Yo! Ass! You want something to drink or eat?”
“What I want to eat isn’t in your kitchen. But, grab me a bag of chips anyway.”
Rick rolled his eyes. “Do you think about anything else?”
“Sure. I think about how amazing school is.”
“You liar.”
“How do you know I’m lying?”
“Because you barely show up!”
Rick grabbed two bags of chips, walking back into the living room. He threw the bag of chips at him and sat down on the couch. “You’re unbelievable sometimes.”
“Just like I said… You. Befriended. Me.”
He rolled his eyes. “Can’t wait for Erica to come over.”
Rick glared at him. “I meant to meet her!”
“I hope that’s what you meant.”
“Dude, chill. She’s all yours.” Brad laughed as he took out his phone to watch videos. 


"Dude, your girlfriend has a nice ass," Brad told Rick when Erica got up to use the bathroom.
"Dude, really? Back off, she's mine."
"Maybe one of her friends look as good as her."
"Dude...Seriously, shut the fuck up."
"Bruh, watch your language. You're supposed to be a good influence on your girl."
Erica came back out of the bathroom, and she sat next to Rick. "What were you guys talking about? I could hear you guys all the way in the bathroom," Erica said, looking at Rick.
"Oh, nothing. Brad, here, wants to know if you have any single friends."
Erica looked at Brad and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I have one single friend, but she's getting over a breakup right now."
"Damn," Brad said, which received him a kick from Rick.
"Watch your mouth."
"What? You think I'm not familiar with swearing and cursing?" Erica asked, looking at Rick with a smile.
"That's not it, but I don't like him cursing around you."
"I'm in 9th grade, not 1st. Calm down."
Rick smiled and looked at Brad. "See? Her friend is getting over a breakup, now you know not to go after her."
"Hey. Who said I couldn't go after her? She won't date me now, but I can still get to know her, right?" he said, looking at Erica.
Erica shrugged. "I guess. I might be able to get her to meet you."
"Nice," Brad said, clasping his hands together and setting them in his lap.
Rick rolled his eyes and looked at Erica. "I'm sorry about him."
"It's okay. So, Brad. When do you want to meet her?" Erica said, switching her gaze from Rick to Brad.
Erica giggled and sighed. "Okay, I'll call her," Erica said, as she got up and started walking to the door. Before she walked out the door to step out to the porch, she turned around, and she said, "The only one that is allowed to look at my ass is my boyfriend, by the way."
With that, she was outside.


"You want me to meet your boyfriend's best friend?"
"This wasn't my idea, but his friend wants to meet you."
"Why me? Did you tell him something about me?"
"Only that you were single."
"Erica! I'm not looking for a relationship now..."
"Taylor...I know that. I even told them that, but he just wants to be friends."
"Erica...I'm not sure."
"It's okay if you don't want to. I'll just tell him that."
"I'm just worried that he might want to date me."
"He might, but he said he understood that you weren't into dating right now."
"I'm still not sure."
"Okay, I'll tell him no."
"Erica, wait...I'll meet him, but he better not come at me."
"Okay, Taylor. Want to come over today?"
"One, I don't know where your boyfriend lives. Two, my mom and I are having a girl's night, so it will have to be tomorrow."
"Okay, I'll tell them that."
"I'll talk to you later."
They both hung up, and Erica walked back in Rick's house. When she walked in, both the boy's eyes shot towards her. 
"So?" Brad asked.
"She'll meet you tomorrow."
"Why tomorrow?"
"She's spending time with her mom tonight."
"Ugh. Fine."
Erica looked at Rick, who was smiling and smirking. Erica smiled, too.
Brad stood up, and he walked towards the door. "I'll see you later, Ricky. Nice meeting you, Erica."
Brad opened the door, and he disappeared through it.
"He seemed upset," Erica said, looking at Rick.
"Nah. It's been a full week since he's had a girlfriend, so he's a little off the edge."
"Is he a player? Does he cheat?"
"Brad? No, he doesn't. He never cheats on his girlfriends, but the girls he has picked have just been cheaters themselves or they are too clingy."
"Oh..Thank god. I was afraid he was a cheater because I can't let Taylor get hurt like that."
"Taylor is your friend that's single?"
"Yeah, but like I said..." Erica trailed off.
"I know. She's not ready for another relationship."
"Thank you. I just hope Brad will remember that."
"He should."
Erica nodded and laid back on the couch, and she closed her eyes. She relaxed her muscles and tried to relax, but then she felt someone's hand touch hers.
Her eyes snapped open, and she just saw it was Rick. She laughed and sat up.
"I'm not allowed to rest?"
"Not right now," Rick said, putting his hand on the side of her face. 
They looked into each other's eyes, and he pressed his lips against hers. He felt Erica smile against his lips, so that's how he knew the kiss was true. She kissed him a couple more times before pulling away.  He pulled away at the same time and smiled before reconnecting into her arms. How could someone make me feel this way? Rick asked himself as he pulled away finally. 
Erica smiled as she looked at him. "I love being with you."
Rick smiled and nodded. "I know," he said as he pulled her into his arms as they laid down on the couch. 
Rick kissed Erica's temple as Erica wrapped her arms around Rick's torso. 
Right now, they didn't want to be anywhere else but in each other's arms.

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