Chapter 23

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When they arrived at the hospital, they were afraid they were closed because there was hardly anybody in the parking lot, and there was usually at least ten cars everyday. Liam pulled into the parking lot, and Erica nearly jumped out before he actually stopped. She got out of the car, slammed the door behind her, and she ran into the hospital. Liam sighed and ran after her after locking his car doors.
Erica was at the check-in desk when Liam caught up with her, and he heard the check-in nurse talking to her.
"I'm sorry, but Mrs. Jones doesn't want anyone seeing her daughter at the moment. She is resting."
"Well, can I at least talk to her mother?"
"That is up to her, but I doubt she wants to see anyone."
"I get that, but..."
"Erica," Liam and Erica turned around to see Taylor. Taylor was with Brad, and they were sitting outside the nearest hospital room. That room was empty, so Erica knew that wasn't AJ's room. They walked over to them, and Erica sat down.
"Taylor, what's going on?"
"Erica... It was Adam."
"Adam and AJ's sister," Brad added.
"What did they do?" Erica asked.
Taylor gulped and bit her lip before continuing. "AJ's sister drugged Adam...She drugged him, and she raped him ...this morning. AJ was upstairs sleeping when it happened, and Adam was in the living room after being dragged out of AJ's room. He spent the night there because his mom kicked him out, and he didn't have anywhere to go. AJ was nice enough to let him stay the night."
Taylor paused to let them take in all that information. Erica was staring at the ground when she asked, "If AJ was sleeping, how did AJ get hurt?"
Taylor nodded and sighed. "AJ's parents were gone until 2-3 hours ago, but AJ woke up and found Adam on the ground naked with a wine glass in his hand. Adam had no idea what happened, but when AJ walked downstairs and saw him like that, she screamed so loud that the Earth would have exploded."
"He jumped up and AJ's sister ran into the room, fully clothed like nothing happened. AJ looked at her sister, and she screamed, "What the hell happened here?"
"She just stood there like an idiot, and she said, "I have no idea.'"
"Did AJ find out that she was the one that did it?" Erica asked.
"Yeah. AJ smelled her sister, and she smelled like sex. She looked at Adam, and she asked him about it. He said that he was sleeping on AJ's floor, and that was the last thing that he remembered. Also, he noticed the wine glass in his hand, and he told AJ that her sister must've drugged him."
"That's horrible," Liam said, shaking his head.
"That's not the worst part... AJ's sister threatened to do the same to her if she told anyone about this."
Erica gasped and put her hand on her chest. "Are you serious? That's just...Wrong!"
"I know, but AJ wasn't affected by the threat. Instead, she grew angry and beat her sister's...butt." Taylor didn't want to swear in front of the nurse and other officials.
"Anyways... Adam just watched this happen as he changed back into his clothes before anything else happened. AJ was punching and kicking her sister so hard that after Adam eventually pulled her off, AJ had blood all over her hands and arms. She thought her sister was passed out, so she ran to Adam and asked him if he was okay. He told her he was, so she was so happy, she kissed him."
"Sounds like she still has feelings for him," Erica said.
"Maybe or it was just the spur of the moment," Taylor said.
Erica nodded and told her to go on.
"They were in each other's arms for a few minutes, then her sister came up from the ground and she smacked AJ in the head with the wine bottle or whatever she had to poison Adam. Adam screamed, and he pushed her into the door as he knelt down to AJ. He grabbed his phone and called the police. By the time the police arrived, AJ was hardly breathing, and AJ's sister was long gone."
Everyone was silent for awhile, then Brad rubbed Taylor's back. Erica cleared her throat and wiped her eyes.
"Where is Adam now?"
"He's in the hospital room with AJ's mom."
Erica nodded. "That's horrible. How could this have happened?"
Taylor shrugged. "Nice 'welcome back' gift, right, Liam?" she joked.
"Yeah right," Liam said, running his fingers through his hair.
Erica looked at him, and she gave him a small smile. "Welcome back. Lots of things happening today."
"Did anything happen to you guys earlier?" Taylor asked.
"Not as bad as this, but still interesting."
"What happened?"
Erica looked at Brad, who was looking at her to continue. "Brad, it has to do with your old buddy...Rick."
"Oh my God. Did he touch you? Did he hurt you?" he asked, getting a little angry.
"No...He said some things, but I was the one that touched him."
"She beat him up," Liam added.
Brad looked at Erica and smiled a little bit. "Well, what happened?"
"Oh. Rick came up to us while we were walking, and he started coming at me. He was saying 'he's the reason you left me?' He meant Liam, and I was like 'dude I dumped you two years ago. Why are you bringing this up now?' It kept going and he said some names, then something really triggered my nerves, and I completely lost it."
"What did he say?" Brad asked.
"First off, he was drunk... He called me some names that really shouldn't be said right now, and Liam got in the middle of things, and Rick said "why would I listen to you? I didn't listen to your girlfriend when she said to slow down when I was riding her." I completely lost it," Erica said, mostly in a whisper.
It was Taylor's turn to gasp.
Erica nodded. "I'm going to beat him senseless," Erica heard Brad say under his breath.
Erica didn't say anything...Mostly because she was hoping he would.


"I really hope she'll be alright," Adam said, loudly for only him to hear.
He was the only one in the room with AJ since her mom was in the hallway talking to a couple of doctors. He couldn't believe that this happened. He didn't really care right now that he got raped by his ex-girlfriend, but he was afraid that he had lost AJ.
He looked at AJ. Her face was pale, her black hair lightened to a dark brown, her lips were a pale pink, and she was barely breathing, which is why she is hooked up to breathing tubes. He didn't know that if he was just worried about AJ dying or if he was still in love with her. Whatever the case was, it was going to hurt him either way, and he wasn't ready to leave AJ...Again.
A tear slid down his cheek as Mrs. Jones and the doctor walked in, so he had to quickly wipe the tear off his cheek before he got caught crying. They looked at him, and he had a feeling that what they were going to say was either going to be shocking or not good. He gulped to prepare for the worst news but hope for the best news.
He looked at Mrs. Jones, and her cheeks were redder than he remembered. "Adam... Good news..."
"Yes?" he asked, jumping out of his chair.
Mrs. Jones looked at the doctor.
"Anne Jones will make it, I can promise you that. Her injuries from her head weren't that serious, but she will have to stay in our care for a few days. She was hit in her head hard enough for her to be in serious danger if we just give her pills and let her go."
"For a few days? Does that mean 5 days?"
"A week by the most."
Adam nodded and looked at AJ. Seeing her hooked to a machine made him ache and hurt so much and thinking about her going through all these tests scared him even more. He looked at the doctor again.
"She will wake up?"
"Yes, she will. I promise."
Adam nodded and looked at Mrs. Jones. "Your daughter is very important to me. I'm glad she'll be okay, and I hope that you will be okay."
"Thanks, Adam. I'm glad that she has a friend like you. She needs someone to be with her to talk and everything. She has been through more than anyone knows."
Adam nodded and left the room to give Mrs. Jones alone time with her daughter. He walked into the front room of the hospital, and he saw that Erica, someone familiar he had a feeling he knew, Taylor and her boyfriend were sitting in the waiting room.
"Hi, guys," Adam said, sitting on the other side of Erica.
"Hey," everyone said back.
"How are you feeling?" Taylor asked him.
"I'm...Fine. AJ's going to make it, so that's amazing."
"She's going to make it?" Erica asked.
"That's awesome," Erica said, grabbing Liam's hand.
"Hey, you look familiar. Have I seen you before?" Adam asked, looking at Liam.
"I'm only the one and only Liam from 7th grade."
"Oh my God. I thought you moved or whatever."
"I did, but I moved back," Liam said, smiling at Erica.
"Wow. That's awesome, man."
"Yeah. When someone is that important to you, you're willing to do anything for them."
"I understand. That's how I feel about AJ and knowing that Bridget did what she did..."
"You feel pretty angry," Erica finished f.or him.
"More than that. I just want to hurt her.."
"Sorry, you'll go to jail for that."
"That's where she should be, but I was focused on getting AJ help instead of getting my revenge on that little..." Adam trailed off. He stopped himself because the nurse at the desk cleared her throat to warn him to not say anything that he would regret.
Adam cleared his throat. "AJ's going to be here for a few days, so I'm going to try to visit her every day if I can. I'm going to head home," he said, walking out of the hospital in a hurry.
After he left, everyone turned to each other and sighed. "Who's tired?" Taylor asked, standing up and stretching.
"I am," Erica said, standing up still holding Liam's hand. He smiled and stood up.
"Do you guys have a ride home?" Liam asked Taylor and Brad.
"I can call my mom to pick us up or we can walk."
"You can get a ride now," Liam said, smirking. He lifted his hand up which had the car keys in them.
"Will you actually give us a ride?" Taylor asked.
"Of course."
Taylor looked at Brad. "Do you want to ride with me in their car?"
Brad smiled. "If you are, I will."
Taylor smiled and walked with Liam and Erica out of the hospital.
They left the hospital on a serious but good note. AJ was going to be okay, but Bridget was still on the loose.

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