Chapter 26

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Adam raced into AJ's house to find that no one was in there. No one was in the living room. He was starting to freak out, but he ran upstairs to see if anyone was around. He checked the bathroom, the guest room, the parent's room, and finally AJ's room. She wasn't there. Her room looked like a tornado ran through it. Her book shelf was on the ground, her T.V. was smashed on the ground, her bed was unmade and on the floor and her clothes were everywhere. Whoever was in here surely put up a fight when grabbing her.
Adam wasn't worried or concerned anymore. Actually he was, but now he was overflowed with pure anger. He cracked his knuckles and clenched his fists. Clearly, Bridget has been here. She took AJ, and I'm sure she put up a fight. The room wouldn't look like this if she didn't, unless Bridget was sending a message. He didn't have time to figure it out right now. He needed to go.
She just messed with the wrong guy, Adam thought to himself while he jumped out of the two story window. He landed, luckily, on his feet, and he raced to his car. He jumped in the car and sped to the police station. He watched AJ's house vanish in his rearview mirror as he sped down the road. Everything else around him turned into a blur. The only thing on his mind and in his vision was the police station and his determination to get AJ back, making sure Bridget doesn't get away with this. Who knew where AJ was right now. Who knew if she was okay.
She has to be okay, she just has to be. This is AJ we're talking about. She's the strongest girl I know. She has to make it through this. Plus, Bridget was weaker than she thought she was. She has a big ego as the "big sister", but AJ has alot of fight in her. It's what made me fall for her in the first place. She has to be okay.
Adam shook his thoughts away, trying to gain some focus as he whipped his car in a parking space. He hopped out and walked into the police station, shutting the door firmly behind him.

"The police probably already checked her boyfriend's house," Erica told Taylor.
"You never know. Even if they did, what's wrong with going there to see if the police actually were there."
"Do you want to go to the police station to see?"
"Might as well."
Erica rolled her eyes and rubbed her temples.
"Fine, but you're the one that wants to know, so you can talk to the police."
"You are in on this too."
"I want to find Bridget, yes, but if the police had already been to the boyfriend's house, what's the point of going there, too?"
"Just come on."
Erica rolled her eyes and walked with her to the door. Before they could touch the doorknob, Erica's phone started ringing.
She picked it up, thinking it was Liam, but little did she know, it wasn't.
"Erica? Get to the police station now!"
"Adam? Yeah, we were just leaving."
"Well, leave faster."
"What's going on?"
"AJ's been kidnapped by Bridget."
"How do you know that?"
"I don't have time to explain right now, just come now!"
With that, he hung up. Erica stared at her phone for a little bit, then she put it in her pocket.
"Erica? Is everything alright?" Taylor asked her before opening the door.
"We need to go. I have a feeling this is going to be big."
"I knew something was up."
Erica ignored her and ran outside.


"What's going on?" Erica asked Adam, running up to him.
"Erica. You need to talk with the police before you talk to me."
"What? Adam, what are you talking about? What's going on?" Erica asked, getting more furious.
"Erica, seriously. The police should be out here to talk to us any minute now. Just be patient and sit down," Adam said, pointing at the set of chairs in the corner of the police station. Erica glared at him, strolling over to the chairs and plopped down. Taylor sat next to her, but she was way calmer than Erica at the moment.
"I need to call Liam."
"You're going to have to wait. They won't let us make any calls here," Adam said. Erica rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
Two police officers walked out of their office, into the waiting room. They looked at Adam with concern, then to Erica and Taylor.
"We are aware that AJ was kidnapped."
"Kidnapped?" Erica asked, shooting a look to Adam. Adam ignored her and looked at the officer.
"Yes. I went to check up on her yesterday, but she was gone. Her room was destroyed and her curtains were left opened along with her windows." The officers nodded their heads and looked at each other.
"Don't worry, we have everyone we can on this case, so you have nothing to worry about." Adam crossed his arms and stood up.
"How many people exactly?" One of the officers put his hands up.
"Look, I know that you're worried and concerned, but we have everyone we could get on the search."
"It's not enough."
"Adam," Erica said, trying to calm him down.
"Erica. Shush." He looked at the officers. "You need our help." Maybe it was not a good time, but the officers let a few chuckles slip out of their mouth which then they received glares from the teenagers.
"He's serious," Taylor told the officers. The officers cleared their throats and looked at them.
"How could you possibly help us?"
"We have information. We can gather the information. We actually know how to contact Bridget, and you don't. We could be a big part to this case," Taylor said, walking in a circle around the officers to create suspense.
Erica tried to hold in her laughter, but the way Taylor was circling around the police officers was really funny to her. The police officers rubbed their foreheads and sighed. It was like they were synced or something.
"Fine, but we can't promise any money, fame or permission to attend any criminal sightings."
"We don't want any of your money," Adam exclaimed before he could stop himself.
"Adam. Watch it. Remember that these are policemen we are talking to," Erica warned him.
"It's okay. We know how hard this is for all of you. Your best friend is in trouble, we get it, but all we're saying is that you guys need to be careful. You have to promise us that. We are here to protect everyone the best we can, so you have to work with us," the other police officer, that hasn't said anything the whole time until now, said.
"We know what we're doing. I'll do anything to get my best friend and girlfriend back," Adam said, standing up and walking out of the building without caring if anyone followed him or not.
"Damn, he's really upset," Taylor said, once they were out of the police station.
"I would be too if I was in his shoes."
"Same here, but being upset isn't going to help us find her. We need his help."
"I know, Taylor. Just give him time."
"You know you can call Liam now, right?" Erica nodded.
"Liam's fine. I'm worried sick about AJ right now."
"Me too," Taylor said, hugging Erica as they walked out of the police station.


Adam ran out of his car and ran into his house. No one was around, so he ran up to his room and slammed the door. He threw himself on his bed, and he threw everything that was on his bed at the wall or the floor. He threw pillows, blankets, his football and he was about to throw his phone at the wall, but he stopped himself.
He didn't have any money right now to buy another one, so he threw it on his bed and groaned. I hate myself, he thought to himself as he banged his fist against the wall. Luckily, he didn't put a hole in the wall, but he was still pissed. He felt hopeless at this point.
He knew that AJ was with Bridget, and what worried him the most was that her sister was capable of anything horrible she wanted to do. She could do anything to AJ, and Adam couldn't do anything about it at this moment. Adam sat up and grabbed his phone. He opened up his and Erica's messages from Facebook.
He ran his hand over his face and started texting.
Adam: Meet me tomorrow with everyone. Taylor, her boyfriend, and Liam. I need all the help I can get. Adam smiled a big smile because he was going to do everything he could to take Bridget down. No one messed with his girl.

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