Chapter 8

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The first month of summer went by pretty fast after Liam and Erica made up, and they weren't so happy about it. They wanted summer to last as long as possible, so if they wanted to sleep in all day they could. They hardly ever slept in past 11:00, so as soon as they both were awake, they would go to each other's houses. Sometimes they wouldn't wait until the other person woke up.
Last week was the 4th of July, and Liam and Erica's families went together. Both families sat near each other which gave them bonding time, and Liam's father was even there. It seemed like forever since Liam got to spend time with his father since he was always with Erica, but it all was working out. They all had fun watching fireworks and talking amongst themselves.
This summer has meant a lot to Liam because it's the first summer that Erica and him spent together as a couple. They've been together for 6 months, and they were both very happy about it. They were really happy together, and they never left each other's side except to use the bathroom or obvious stuff like that. It was now the second week of July, and Liam and Erica wanted to make sure they spent it very wisely. They had to spend every moment together even if it meant hanging out with people they didn't want to.
"I can't believe it's been a week since the 4th of July already," Erica said as a commercial was on during a show they were watching.
"I know, it's crazy," Liam agreed.
Erica smiled and sat back on the couch. "Are we going to watch T.V. all day?" she asked.
"Did you want to do something else?" Liam asked.
"Not really. I don't really feel like doing anything else," Erica said, shrugging.
"Sounds good," Liam said, smiling as he yawned.
"Are Sundays your tired days?" Erica asked, smiling.
"It's Sunday? I thought it was Thursday," Liam said confused.
Erica laughed and shook her head. "It's summer. You can never tell the days of the week apart anymore."
Liam shrugged and yawned again as he heard Erica giggle.


Erica and Liam were standing in Liam's kitchen while they were watching one of Liam's sisters trying to cook Ramen Noodles on the stove.
"I don't think you're going to get it," Liam said with his arms crossed.
"I will!"
"No, I think you won't. There's not even any water in the thing!" Erica looked at the pot she was cooking it in, and Liam wasn't kidding. There wasn't any water in the pot, but the stove was on.
"You're supposed to have water?" his sister asked, sounding shocked.
"How about...We step away while I cook these for you," Liam said softly, slowly approaching her.
"No! I want to cook," his sister argued.
Liam shook his head and sighed. "I'll cook this time, and you can cook next time if you watch me very carefully," he said softly, trying to get his sister to get rid of her stubbornness.
"Do you promise?"
"Yes, I promise," Liam said, smiling at Erica while she just shook her head. Liam chuckled under his breath as he put water in the pan.
"How do you deal with him?" Liam's sister asked Erica with an eyebrow arched.
"I should be asking you that. He's your brother."
"Hey! I'm right here," Liam exclaimed, putting the pan on the stove.
"Why do you think we're so miserable?" his sister spat.
Erica chuckled and grabbed Liam's sister. "Come on, I'm getting tired of standing."
His sister jumped up and down, and she pulled Erica with her to the kitchen table. Erica laughed and sat back in her chair as she watched Liam continue to make the noodles on the stove.

The next day, Erica and Liam met up with Taylor and Bradley. They decided to meet up at the park, but when they saw Taylor and Bradley, they saw Adam.
"Adam, what are you doing here?" Liam asked with Erica close to his side.
"I didn't know I had to make a reservation to be at a public park," Adam said, sarcastically.
Liam rolled his eyes and turned to Bradley. "Is AJ supposed to be here too?"
"She was, but she saw Adam..."
"That explains it," Liam said, laughing.
"I don't get why she hates me so much," Adam said, shrugging.
"You were supposed to be mad at her, I thought. Didn't you date her sister?" Erica said.
"Yes, I did date her sister, which by the way was the worst mistake of my life. Anyways, I was mad at her for a few months, but now I'm over it. I try to talk to her, but she won't give me the time of day," Adam explained.
"Maybe it's because you were mad at her when she didn't even do anything. Just because her sister broke up with you or whatever doesn't mean you should be mad at AJ," Liam said.
"I know, but I've been trying to apologize. Nothing is working."
"Do you really want to be her friend again?"
"Yes, I do."
"AJ is a very stubborn girl. You are going to have to convince her really hard to get her to talk to you," Bradley added.
"Tell me about it."
Everyone started walking to the ice cream shop when Erica's phone started ringing.
"Hey. Where are you right now?"
"At the ice cream shop with the group."
"Is Adam still there?"
"Nevermind then."
"AJ, wait... Are you really still mad at him?"
"Why shouldn't I be? He was mad at me first, and..."
"And what?"
"He chose my sister over me." click.
Erica looked at her phone with a blank face. "What the...?"
"What happened?" Taylor asked.
"Hey, Adam. I have a question. Do you like AJ more than a friend?" Erica said, ignoring Taylor's concern.
Adam took a while to answer, but he looked at her. "I don't know. I think she's really pretty, but I'm not sure if I would say that."
"Well. Okay. Now, I know why she's so mad at you."
"Did she say that I chose her sister over her?"
"How do you know she said that?"
"She wasn't talking quietly."
"Wow," was the last thing Adam said for the rest of that day. He ended up leaving a few minutes later, making up an excuse like: "I need to take my sister to the doctor." It was pretty lame, but no one stopped him. It clearly didn't make sense since he was only in the 8th grade, but he deserved to keep his dignity.
After he left, the rest of the kids decided to go to Bradley's house to have a snack. "Why are we going to Bradley's again?" Erica asked.
"Are you hungry or not?" Liam asked her, smirking.
"I am, but why his house?"
"Why don't you like my house?" Bradley asked, pretending to be offended.
Erica smiled but shrugged. "I do."
"Mm...Hmm," he said, grabbing his keys out of his pocket.
"Aren't your parents home?" Taylor asked him.
"Mom is at work and Dad is at a friends watching football. Also, my sister is at her boyfriends', so we are by ourselves."
Erica felt a nervous rush go through her for a second, but she ignored it. She gulped and stepped into his house with Liam and Taylor. They got in the house, and there was a bag of chips on the floor.
"Bradley? Why are there chips on the floor?" Liam asked.
"Oh... That was my breakfast."

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