Chapter 27

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Erica checked her phone, and it said it was 3:30 p.m. They were meeting up at the park after school, and Erica just realized she was a little early. Adam arranged it to be 3:45., but for some reason Erica showed up earlier than she thought. She sat down on the park bench to wait for everyone to show up. As she did this, she started to do some thinking.
How can this happen? Why would AJ's mom leave her alone after everything that has been happening? Wait, no. The question is that...What in the hell triggered the sweet funny Bridget everyone knew into doing this?


AJ opened her eyes and was almost blinded by the bright light. She groaned and rubbed her eyes. She started to sit up, but she was stopped by someone's big arms. AJ looked up and it was Bridget's boyfriend.
"Let me up," AJ demanded.
"The boss doesn't want you up."
"Boss? If you're talking about my bitch of a sister, then I don't care," AJ said, pushing him away and getting up.
"I'm telling you, she's going to be really upset," he said, following her. She was surprised that he wasn't pulling her back or pushing her against the wall because he was very capable of doing it. He was a very built guy who played football most of the year and lifted weights very often. She tried to hide her surprise as she continued to talk to him.
"Why the hell did you guys bring me here anyways?" AJ asked, looking around the room.
"It wasn't my idea. I'm just along for the ride." AJ turned to him.
"What ride? You're risking getting in trouble and put in jail because of my sister. Why the hell would you do that?"
"I love her. I'll do anything for her."
"You're even willing to give up your football career?" AJ asked him, crossing her arms.
"What are you talking about?" he asked. AJ knew he was trying to act like he didn't know what she was talking about, but he was a terrible liar.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. If you get caught with my sister, you can kiss your future as the greatest football player in the world goodbye, so do you really think this is worth it?"
"I don't have to listen to you." AJ laughed.
"You have to listen to my sister, right? You really are just going to let her control you?"
"She can't control me."
"Not from where I'm standing. Honestly, I think you're a wimp. I mean, what kind of muscled guy are you anyway? You are capable of so much, but you're living in my sister's shadow. Are you really going to stand for that? Come on, you can do so much better."
He took a step closer to her. He was so close that she could smell his breath that smelled like beer and weed, but she tried to keep her stance as he looked at her.
"This is a test, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?"
"Bridget is putting you up to this to see if I'm a good boyfriend, right?"
That made AJ laugh out loud. She pushed him playfully. "Please! My relationship with my sister right now is so fucked up, I'm surprised I'm still standing here. Why in the hell would I help her out to see if you're a good boyfriend? I really don't give a shit if you're a good boyfriend or not."
This seemed to surprise him because his eyes were wide, and his face looked like she just got done slapping him. "Do you really feel that way?"
"Yes, I do. I can't believe you would ask me that. 'Do you really feel that way?' If I didn't, why in the flying hell would I have said it?" He walked towards the door that AJ could hardly see because they only had the light above the bed she was laying on turned on. She squinted and saw him flip the light switch on. She rushed her hands up to her eyes to cover them up from completely burning. The light was so bright, so when she finally opened her eyes, it took her a minute to adapt to her surroundings.
"Not used to the brightness? That is what happens when you're knocked out for a little bit," AJ heard an evil, familiar voice say. She snapped her head toward the voice, and she felt herself growl under her voice.
"Bridget," she said, gritting her teeth.
"Miss me?" she asked, flashing the most fake smile AJ has seen in her life.
"Hell no."
"Ouch, that hurts. Well, that's fine because I have payback for you anyway."
"How can you hurt me anymore than you already have?"
"Easy. Follow me," she said, walking out the door. AJ looked around, and she saw that Bridget's boyfriend was long gone. She didn't know where he was, and she really didn't care at this point. She picked herself up, and she received the courage to push herself out of that room. She took a step out of that room, and there was a staircase leading to somewhere. She took a look around, and there was nowhere else to go. She shrugged and started walking up the stairs.


Liam walked up to Erica and hugged her, slipping his arms around her waist. "Hey, beautiful. Everyone else should be coming," he said, kissing her cheek as he hugged her.
She smiled and gave him a kiss before pulling out of his arms. Soon after that, Taylor, Adam, and Brad walked up. They greeted each other, and Adam decided to get right down to business.
"Okay. Is everyone ready to hear the plan?" he asked, a little too happily.
"Sure," everyone said, which caused him to roll his eyes at their excitement.
"Anyways. Here's what's going to happen. We are going to Bridget's boyfriend's house. Then, we are going to talk to the first person we see and depending on what they say, we go from there. If Bridget or her boyfriend isn't there, our jobs just got a lot harder."
"Technically, this isn't our job at all," Brad said. Adam glared at Brad.
"I know that, dumbass," he said, with a-captain obvious- attitude. Brad shrugged and wrapped his arms around Taylor's shoulder.
"Anyways. Let's go," Adam said, grabbing Liam's arm.
"Dude, why are you pulling my arm?"
"I'm riding with you."
"Can I at least have my arm back?" Liam asked, laughing a little as Adam let go. He rubbed his arm and grabbed his keys. Taylor and Brad would follow right behind him, so as long Liam didn't lose them at a stop light or something, they should be at the right track.


When AJ reached the top of the stairs, she came across a hallway with three doors on each side. She didn't know where to go until she saw her sister pop out of the last door on the left. "Come on. You're going to love this." AJ knew for a fact that she wasn't going to love this. She walked towards the door, and she walked in. She slammed the door open, covered her mouth and screamed. She dropped to her knees and glared at Bridget.
"You fucking bitch!" she yelled.
"You don't love it?" she asked, smiling evilly.
"You're such a sick bastard. You deserve to rot in hell!" AJ kept yelling. Bridget smiled as she looked over the sight. She was looking at their mother who was tied up to a chair, duct tape on her mouth, ropes tightly tied around her legs and wrists, hair tied up against the wall and there was blood dripping from her head and mouth.
"How could you do that to your own mother?" AJ yelled at her.
"You fucking idiot! She's not our real mother! Don't you get it?" AJ was so disgusted with her, she just wanted to get up and leave, but now she was stuck here since her mom was in front of her.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" AJ demanded.
"This bitch took us away from our real mom because she didn't think our real mom was stable enough to take care of us. Our real mom was a drug addict, an alcoholic, and was a stripper that worked at bars." AJ shook her head.
"No. You've been smoking some messed up shit. You don't know what the hell you're talking about."
"Really? How about I rip this tape off her mouth, and maybe you will believe her." And at that moment, Bridget ripped the tape off Mrs. Jones's mouth, and AJ ran to her.
Her mom rolled her head around on her shoulders for awhile, but then her eyes fluttered open.

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