Chapter 19

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"I hate it already," Erica said as she sat down next to Taylor and Rick. Everyone was hanging out at Rick's house after their first day back to school.
"Don't worry, it gets worse," Rick said, smiling.
Erica just glared at him as she heard Brad walk in the room. Erica turned her head, and she noticed what Brad was wearing. He was wearing a shirt that had his favorite band on it, with some dark jeans and hightops. Taylor and Erica laughed. Taylor and Brad have been dating for a week now since Taylor was ready. Taylor has decided that if she focused on Bradley forever, she would never get to date anyone else, so she has decided to give Brad a try.
"How was the first day of high school?" Brad asked as he ran his hand along Taylor's arms.
"It was absolutely horrible. Why didn't you warn me how bad it was?" Taylor said, looking at Brad.
"Sorry. I didn't think it was that bad."
"You were probably focusing on all the girls."
"I'm not going to lie. I was. That was long before I met you, though."
"Suck up," Rick coughed under his breath.
Erica and Taylor laughed. Taylor joined Brad on the floor as Rick wrapped his arm around Erica.
"They are a pretty good couple, aren't they?" Erica asked, looking at Brad and Taylor.
"I guess so."
Erica smiled and watched her best friend be happy for a whole week. "I'm so happy for you guys."
"Me too," Brad said, smiling at Taylor.
Taylor blushed slightly, and she crossed her legs to keep them from shaking. She still got a little nervous when she was around Brad, but she was getting better. "We should go on a double date," Taylor suggested.
Erica and Rick looked at each other with surprise in their face. "Really?"
"Yeah. Unless, you guys aren't down with that," Brad added.
Rick and Erica looked at each other again, and they both smiled.
"Oh yeah. We're down with that," Erica said, smiling while Rick laughed.


"What's with that look?" Adam asked AJ.
"My best friends are going on double dates," AJ said, still a little weirded out.
"Oh," Adam said, laughing.
"I thought that Taylor didn't have a boyfriend."
"She does now. I think you're a little late."
Adam smiled, and he shrugged as he turned back to the T.V.
"Wait. Why are they going on a double date?"
"I don't know, but there are pictures on Facebook with them on it," AJ said, giving Adam her phone to look at. Adam took it, and his expression changes from surprised to disturbed.
"I didn't think people went on those kinds of things anymore," Adam said.
"That's what I thought too, but I guess they brought it back in style."
"I wouldn't say that it's in style."
AJ laughed and took back her phone. "Thanks for your input."
"It's not my fault they went to Chuck E Cheese."
"They went to McDonald's."
"What's the difference?"
"There's lots."
"Whatever you say."
AJ rolled her eyes. Sometimes she didn't know whether punch Adam or hug him until he begged for mercy.


"Yay, we're not babies anymore!" Ryan yelled at the top of his lungs.
Eleanor punched him in the stomach to quiet him down. "Ryan, shut up."
"Why? I'm excited."
"We just started our first day of 10th grade. I don't know why you're so excited."
"We're not freshmen anymore, so that means we get to pick on the next class of babies that walk through the doors."
"No, we don't."
"Why not? I just want to have a little fun?"
"You saw what happened to Briana, right?"
"Who's that?"
"She committed suicide after she got embarrassed at one of the basketball games when we were in 8th grade."
"Oh yeah...Wasn't she the girl who was so upset about Ted Paisley breaking heart in front of everybody?"
"Yeah. There's a story to go along with that, but if you embarrass any of these freshmen, they could commit suicide, too."
"You're overreacting."
"I don't think so. Besides, I know a few freshmen personally, so you better not touch them."
"Who are they?"
"Erica Blake, AJ..something, Taylor something...You know what, that's not the point. Just don't embarrass anyone so bad that they will hurt themselves."
"Man...You make pranks sound horrible."
"Sometimes it is."

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