Chapter 30

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It was a chilly Saturday morning as Erica, AJ, and Taylor got ready for their walk that they did every Saturday. These past few months have been quite calm without Bridget and her drama around. They could actually spend their summer with each other without having to worry about anything. Even though summer was over, and they were in two months of school already, they still wanted to continue on walking. It relaxed all of them and gave them a chance to just talk, but they all agreed that they would go to the gym in the winter instead of walking because it got really cold.
They started their way out the door, and they all had smiles on their faces. They were all happy with their boyfriends/fiances. It seemed weird at first when those couples decided to get married because they still were so young, but they just liked the idea of just being together. Erica and Liam were completely happy with each other, but Liam didn't propose. Erica would've been worried if they were fighting a lot, but they were just fine. She didn't think she was ready for marriage right now anyways, but if he ever did ask, she wouldn't resist.
"I can't believe we're seniors already. It feels like yesterday we were entering middle school," AJ said, putting her hair up in a high ponytail.
"I'm with ya on that one. Just think that in six or seven months, we'll all be 18 and be saving up to move out of our parents' houses," Taylor agreed.
"Well, you guys will be living with your future husbands," Erica pointed out.
"Don't worry, Liam will propose soon."
Erica laughed as she looked at her friends. "I'm not worried about getting married right now. There's so much more I need to do before that."
"Like what?" AJ asked.
"Go to college, buy my own house... I have to prove to myself that I can take care of myself before I add another person into that equation."
"Erica, we all know that you will be successful in life, but you're not going to leave Liam behind, right?" Taylor asked, sounding concerned.
"Of course not. We'll still be together, but if we have to go to different colleges and stuff, then that's what we will have to do if we want to have the lives we want."
"You love him, don't you?" AJ asked.
"Of course I do. I love him with all my heart."


"Dude, when are you going to propose to Erica? You've been with her longer than any of us have been with our girlfriends, so why haven't you proposed yet?" Adam asked Liam as they walked into the nearest game store.
"I don't know. I guess we're not ready for that step yet."
"I think you guys are beyond ready."
Liam sighed. "I think we're too young. I think if we get married now, I will hold her back from going to the college she wants because she will feel the need to stay with her "husband,"" he said, making quotes with his fingers. "I've seen couples do that, and it's sad. I can't do that to her."
"Have you at least talked to her about it?"
"Well if you really want to be with her, marry her. She'll know that you're serious about her."
"I don't want it to be too soon."
"Dude, if you can close your eyes and see her in a wedding dress, you're ready. That's what happened to me with AJ. Trust me, if you really love her and she really loves you, it will be right."
"I don't know. I guess I'll have to see where she's at," Liam said, shrugging while looking around.
"It's meant to be," Adam said, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Take your time if that's what you guys need to do. We all know that you guys are meant to be together."
"Thanks, man."
After they were done at the game store, Liam headed straight home, so he'll be there when Erica gets there. Truth was, he was ready to be with Erica, but he wasn't sure if she was. He already had the ring in his jacket, but he was waiting for the right moment to give it to Erica. Hopefully if Erica really loved him, she would marry him.


Liam ran into the house, and the girls were already in there. AJ and Taylor were sitting at the kitchen table, eating apples and chocolate creme pie. Liam looked around, but he didn't see Erica. "Hey guys, where's Erica?"
"She's changing upstairs."
"Thanks," Liam said, and rushed up the stairs before questions could be asked.
He turned the corner to Erica's room, and he took a deep breath and knocked on her door.
"Who is it?" Erica called out.
"Your boyfriend," he said, smirking.
Right away the door opened, and Erica was dressed in blue jeans and a black tank top. "Hey Liam, back from the game store already?"
Liam nodded and walked in her room, shutting the door. Erica looked at the door, then at Liam. "Are you okay?"
Liam smiled at her and nodded. "The question is are you okay. Are you okay enough to have a conversation with me?"
"Of course I'll have a conversation with you," Erica said, smiling and sitting with Liam on her bed.
"Okay, well I need to talk to you about our future...Your future precisely."
"My future? You already know my future. I want to go to college. I don't know for what yet, but I'm going to college. I'm going to be with you, and we are going to graduate together," Erica said, putting her hands in his.
Liam looked down at her hands and smiled, looking back up at her. "Good, go to college. I don't want anything holding you back."
"I will, but Liam, is something wrong?"
Liam shook his head, standing up. He looked at his jacket pocket and shook his head. "No. I don't want anything changing your mind about your future, that's all."
Erica stood up, wrapped her arms around Liam's neck, and kissed him tenderly and gently. "Liam, I love you. Whatever you're hiding from me, I want to know it right now," she said seriously, looking into his eyes. Liam nodded and took her hands in his and got down on one knee.
"Erica, I don't want to hold you back. I feel like if I do this now, I will hold you back. You're way too important to me. I just want what's best for you."
"Are you saying that marrying me will hold me back?"
Erica bit her lip. "Liam, I'm willing to get married before college."
"No. I can't hold you back, Erica," he said, tears flowing down his cheek.
Erica kissed him hard and rough which brought him off his feet, him grabbing her waist. When she pulled away, she was breathing heavy and looking in his eyes. "I want you. I love you. I'll go to college. We'll both go to college, and if you want to wait to get married, we will. I want you to be happy."
"I want you to be happy."
"I will be as long as you're with me."
He nodded and kissed her forehead as he got down on one knee again. "Erica Blake. We have been best friends for as long as I can remember, and you have always been important to me. When I left you, I regretted every second of it, but I came back. I can't imagine ever being apart from you again. I will never leave your side. I can't be any happier with you, and I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't care how long we have to wait, but will you marry me?"
Erica smiled with tears coming down her cheeks. "Yes, Liam," she said, as he grabbed the ring and slid it on her finger. She gasped and pulled Liam into her arms. "I love you. Never leave me, ever."
"I don't plan on it," Liam hugged Erica, kissing her cheek. 

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