Chapter 23

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Jennie POV

It's been a week since we arrived in Italy.

Lisa immediately booked us a flight right after she made sure that MC and the ranch would run smoothly even without her supervision.

The moment our plane land in Rome,we just rest for a day in some hotel and the next day we both decided to go to Naples where the Center for Assisted Fertilization is located. Lisa wanted the procedure to be done in the prestigious international clinic Villa Del Solé. She said that she just wanted everything to be perfect and safe, not only for our unborn child but more for me. I know IVF procesure is quite expensive especially in this country but she said money is not a problem as long as everything will fall according to our plan.

And so we talked to our possible donors, she's so particula to the guy who will give us the sperm that we needed. She even does a background checked just to make sure that our donor is physically healthy and without mental issues and the likes. I let her do all the talking, because it's better for someone to look around than that. And she's a good businesswoman and talking to a donor is like dealing a business, no emotions needed. We just need a good sperm,and whoever can provide that will receive a considerable amount of money.

We settled for an English-Italian guy who happens to live in Sicily but wanted to migrate in Greece for some reasons. We did not know the reason why he wanted to move home, it's important that we have seen the right person we need.

After Lisa and her lawyer draft the necessary documents and the guy signed it waiving all his claims to his sperm, the procedure take place. Lisa is the one who gave the necessary egg cells to match the sperm and it will be injected to me in a few days.

While waiting for the result of the said procedure, Lisa took privileged to make me to Tuscany where she had a friend who owns a vineyard. She took over the task of acquainting me to the intricacies concerning wine-making and the kind of wine that this particular part of Tuscany produces.

"Montalcino is considered the birthplace of Brunello wines. It's a sought-after red wine because it requires a long aging process and uses only one type of grape, the Sangiovese variety." She explained to me as we talked over her friend's field one morning. Concentrated vine in the fruit can be seen around. Just like an ordinary vineyard I've been too, it just felt special because I was with Lisa plus the fact that we're walking with our hands clasped together. Her hand interwined with mine felt special yet so natural.

"How long does it take to age?" I asked, my face rapt with interest.

"About forty eight months minimum. They are aged only in oak casts traditionally sourced from Slovenia,which transfer little oak flavor."

"Whoa,almost half a decade before one can drink it?!" I blurted out.

"That also explains why it's so expensive, wifey. Growers like Gian Carlo do not mass produce wines. Montalcino has a wine consortium which helps keep prices that way." She added.

"Really? How'd you know all that?" I asked her. I wonder where she get all that information.

She smiled lopsidedly.

"Have not I told you that I used to live here?" I shook my head and she continued." Yeah, I live here for four years,when I took up my masteral and that's when I met Gian Carlo, actually his sister really my first friend, She's the one who introduced me to his brother and the rest is history."

"So, Gian Carli had a sister. Is she pretty? No, don't answer that. Ofcourse she is, considering Gian Carlo's appearance, she might be looking so hot."

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