Chapter 24

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Lisa POV

It was already four in the morning, but I remained awake. I couldn't stop myself from looking at the woman sleeping peacefully beside me and I had to reign the sudden throb of desire that made my blood heat up in seconds.

We pretty much spent our days making love non-stop and more than once I was astounded at the fact she was a quick study and that she was a born sensualist. After a bout of marathon sex, I was usually tired. But not this time. I felt recharged, amped.

Christ sakes! Get a grip Lisa! Jennie needs to sleep. I told myself angrily.

I sighed and carefully left the bed. I left the confines of the bedroom and made my way out of the cottage, towards the beach. I needed to walk... to clear my head,put things back in perspective.

Jennie was changing a vital part of me. I had no idea why being around her made me feel so relaxed and almost carefree. I cannot understand why. I never enjoyed myself this much with anyone before... not even with Rosé .... and not with .... her. I was too driven, too intense in my business dealings in the past to do so.

When we were on the motorcycle this morning, I was excruciatingly aroused with her tightly hugging and pressing her body at my back.

More than once I was tempted to make a quick stop and sate myself.

But even without the sex,surprisingly, I was having fun with her. I was... happy. I was happy just being with her, playing tourists, doing mundane things. I had already forgotten the last time I ever felt that way or if I had ever done so in the past five years.

For so long I let myself be immune to feelings, immune to filmsy emotions. Yet the thought of losing her left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I sat down in the sand, just a few steps away from the sea. The sea is calm contradicting to what I'm feeling right now. I don't know what I'm feeling but I can feel different emotions now.

I glance at the ring on my left hand. It was an exquisitely beautiful gold band with a few diamonds on the both sides. Our names is written inside the ring together with the date of our wedding.

I was surprised when Jennie held my hand after we had dinner last night and put on a ring on my finger. She said it's unfair that she wore a wedding ring while I don't have any on my finger, so she took care of it for me. I slightly smile on the thought that its a big deal to her. But regardless of that, I was more happy having her ring on my finger. It's nice to have a symbol of my vow and commitment to her.

My wife definitely my jack of all trades, master of everything. She made me happy in a million ways.

A few weeks ago, when she admitted that she loved me, I was pretty much stunned. I don't know what to say so I chose to teased her instead. I'm not sure about my feelings for her yet, there's a lot of things to consider. And I'm dead scared that if I open my heart again, I might lose myself in the process... again. I'm scared that I didn't get back myself again just like before. But nevertheless, I don't wanna lose her. I wanted her to stay in my life... hopefully forever, even if the word sucks and I don't believe in it.

I know there's no such thing as forever but one thing's for sure, there's always an exception to the rule. Before I let the destiny decide for my happiness, so this time I'm making my own destiny. And I'm choosing Jennie to be a part of it. And we're gonna be happy, together with our future kids.

After a few days in the island, we went back to Naples. Jennie undergo the necessary injection procedure for IVF. She need bedrest for a few days to make sure that no bleeding will happen. IVF is nothing like ordinary pregnancy that's why she needs to be careful and I can see how she's slowly adjusting to the new phase of her life as a pregnant woman. She's very much careful specially that there are two unborn babies are depending on her. Yes she's now pregnant with twins. We both can't  decide whether it's a boy or a girl that we wanted, so we chose to have twins instead. And we're both thrilled knowing that after nine months, we'll be able to see our baby girl and baby boy.

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