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🎵Vera Blue - Like I Remember You🎵

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🎵Vera Blue - Like I Remember You🎵

She walks down the silent hall looking down on her callused fingers, wondering whether or not she could finally take up the courage to ask her mom if she could quit playing the violin and instead move on to focus on another form of art that she prefers. Perhaps graphic design? But of course these thoughts were just a mere distraction for the girl.

Summer has ended and school has begun. Nothing depresses the girl more than the idea of coming back to the place she has started to hate. It was not the schoolwork that dreaded her, in fact said thing was tolerable, but it was the memories that lingered around the place. Some were happy, others... were not so happy. Especially not the last one.

The girl physically shudders at the sudden recollection of the fight she had with him.

He, who shall not be named, owns a pair of striking blue eyes and a head full of lustrous blonde hair; blonde hair that was always perfectly tousled to seem like the hairstyle was planned to be that way even though it wasn't.

He looked like your typical prince chraming but,

He also had the knack of capturing and breaking hearts whenever he felt like it.

He was just born to look and to act like a prick.

She clenches her fists.

What did we say?

... No more thinking about him.

Good, you remember.

The girl shoos her thoughts and a bit of that brewing annoyance within her, and starts heading for her classroom but stops as a collection of claps and shouts emerges from her left.

That's weird.

Her ears follow and soon she sees a crowd blocking the hallway.

Students stretch their arms out and above the bunch of swaying heads, recording with their phones, while other students strain to see through the growing crowd.

"What do you think you're doing?!?" a gruff voice demands from the middle.

A slam and a rattling of the lockers follow.

The girl flinches at the sound the harsh impact made but the crowd hoots in encouragement.

Struggling, she pushes herself through the swarm of people until she comes into view of the source of such commotion.

First day and there's already a fight.

This is bullshit.

She tuts and crosses her arms in disapproval but stops as she recognizes something.

Blue eyes and blonde hair.

The girl doesn't know why but she calls out his name and he stops and turns to look at her.

To The Sad Youth [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now