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🎵 Forever - Billy Raffoul 🎵

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🎵 Forever - Billy Raffoul 🎵

The smell of her mother’s baked goods slowly calls her awake.

A blunt thudding in her head begins as her eyes catch the bright beam of sunlight entering through the small slit in her curtains.

She clumsily feels for her phone on the bedside table.

Tens upon hundreds of notifications flood her screen as she scrolls through them. It never seems to end; all the hashtags, messages, and tagged pictures alike.

Apparently the cops broke up the party last night.

Glad I bailed early.

Wonder how the others are.

The girl clicks on their group chat but finds no new messages.

“Lucy?” her mother knocks on the door.
She quickly slips her phone underneath her pillow and pretends to have just woken up.

Lucy’s heard enough lectures from her mother after she’s been found out many times with the phone in her hand early in the morning. Her mom says it’ll burn her eyes out until she can no longer see with them, but she retorts back (in her mind) that those are what glasses and contacts are for.

Besides, she’s never felt the need for either; the lectures… and the glasses or contacts.

“You awake?” her mother sticks her head in through the doorway.

“Am now.” She feigns a yawn that slowly turns into a real one.

“What happened? You look sick.”

Her mother crosses the distance from her door to her daughter’s bed, feeling up her forehead and around her neck.

After all the dancing and the bit of drinking she did last night, the girl isn’t surprised if she looked like the walking dead; hair sticking out everywhere and skin sickly pale and damp.

“No, mom, I’m fine, just stayed up late watching last night.”

Her mom never fully disapproved of parties; she would let her daughter attend from time to time however, this time she had asked for her to stay back since it was only the beginning of the school year. Though in spite of her mother’s objections, said daughter snuck out last night and drove over to the party to join her friends. It was senior year after all, she had to enjoy it while it lasted, and besides that she was also trying to expose herself to these ‘adult’ things more often considering she was nearly turning into the age of one.

So word of her being present at this party was a no go, especially if her mother caught news that it was visited by the authorities last night.

“I told you not to do that anymore, you know what it will do to your-“

To The Sad Youth [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now