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🎵Just the Same - Charlotte Lawrence🎵

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🎵Just the Same - Charlotte Lawrence🎵

Her brown hair glows underneath the fluorescent lights as she doodles mindless things on to a page in her journal.







She sighs and drops her pen.

She's been having trouble writing lately.

She's been dying to write but she doesn't know what about. She thought drawing would help, but looking down at the mess she's made on to her page, she knows it was a hopeless cause.

Her drawings just troubled her even more.

The girl looks at her surroundings.

Her dark blue eyes squinting through her glasses as she observes the few who have already entered the classroom.


The girl grunts and slams her journal shut which earns her a few nosy glances from others.

She notices and quickly stoops to hide behind her hair.

Her piece, of which she still doesn't know the subject of, needs something to be inspired by. Her hand was just itching to write down the words flowing through her head.

A noisy group of people walk in.

She looks up, startled but also annoyed that they were making such a fuss when here she was, trying to make sense of the jumble of thoughts bouncing around in her head.

She scoffs when she sees that it's only Greyson jumping around like an energetic puppy and Tanner trying to tame him and... and...

The girl shakes her head as her mind begins to cloud.

Her eyes focus down on her closed journal.

Her heart beats rapidly.

Her stomach cages in a whirlwind of butterflies.

The boy, who brought out such a reaction from the girl, follows Greyson and Tanner with a smirk on his face and his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders. The couple chuckles at the two's horseplay, unaware of the distressed girl sitting at her desk.

"I said stop it!" Tanner claps Greyson at the back of his thick skull as the other teases him.

"Ooohhhh, what're you gonna do about it then, huh?" the boy challenges as he circles him, portraying that of a toddler bothering his big brother.

"I'll- I'll-"

Greyson gives another childish taunt and dodges a punch from Tanner.

"Alright, stop it you two."

The boy finally speaks up.

The girl looks his way again.

I thought we got over this?

Didn't we spend the entire summer trying to forget?

Trying to mature?

She hadn't realized, but the boy was already looking her way.

"Morning, Mavis."

Mavis snaps out of it and summons out a nervous smile.

"Morning... Jace."

She nods his way and the boy grins, turning back to his friends and arm still around the shoulders of the girl beside him.

That grin.

Those eyes.

Those arms.

She unkowingly picks up her pen and opens up to a new page.

The pen moves to its own accord and etches on words in her journal.

She's immersed in her work.

And for what felt like hours, she finally looks up from her book and looks at the clock.

Ten minutes.

Shortest time yet.

She smiles, content of what she's written but her smile soon fades as she realizes what her short piece had come out to be.

It's about a love found.

She looks back up at Jace and Nikki, the girl smiling sweetly beside him, his girlfriend.

They're laughing, foreheads touching and breaths mixing.

What love have I found when I've been losing since the beginning?

Lian and Jackie enter, automatically heading straight for their lonesome looking friend.

"Hey," Jackie nudges Mavis, greeting her with a smile.

She snaps out of her daze again and wipes off a tear she hadn't realized had fallen.

"You okay?" Lian and Jackie suddenly frown.


Mavis looks back down at her 'inspired' piece.

The one she's been 'dying' to write.

She closes the cursed book.

Her friends follow her gaze and realize the cause; Jace.

"I'm fine."

Mavis reassures them again.

Am I?

Ajiona Alexus as Nikki

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Ajiona Alexus as Nikki

To The Sad Youth [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now