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🎵Breathe - Lauv🎵

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🎵Breathe - Lauv🎵

The wind bites and still the crickets chirp.

She shivers as the coming breeze gets slightly colder. The music is still loud and booming throughout the whole estate, but nothing could beat the comfortable silence Jace and Mavis have created for themselves.

Nothing could disrupt their peace... except for the occasional sound of someone retching their guts out not far from them.

Jace chuckles as another falls victim to over intoxication.

Her teeth chatter and she hugs herself further.

He notices and takes pity on his friend.


She looks up from the ground and sees his sports jacket being offered to her.

She pushes it away and instead repays it with a smile.

"It's fine, Jace. Either way one of us is going to get cold."

His outstretched arm drops beside him, not in defeat but simply because the alcohol was making it hard for him to use his muscles to their full extent.

"Better you than me."

He furrows his eyebrows at that and silently tuts in disapproval.

"I'm the guy, I'm supposed to be the gentleman here. Just-"

"No, it's fine, really-"

He groans.

"Just take it, Mav. We're friends, this is what we do."

She quickly shrugs on his jacket and he can't help but smile as she appears smaller wearing it.

"What are you smiling at?"

He shrugs and chugs down the rest of her cup, as it was given to him since she never really was a heavy drinker or any type of drinker at all for that matter.

"You just look cute in my jacket, is all."

He tosses the empty cup and sends a cheeky smirk her way, making her blush and bury herself further into the jacket, like a turtle retracting back into its shell.

Of course, the effect of his actions did not go unnoticed by him. He was amused and rather proud that he could do that to her, but still despite being half sober and half drunk, he knows where the line starts and stops; it was drawn by him after all.

The thought turns his smile slightly down at the corners, but he holds it lest she notices and the comfortable atmosphere between them is disrupted.

That's the last thing he would want.

She takes her time to admire everything about him. His strong eyebrows that were always more expressive of his emotions rather than the rest of his face; his eyes that both held dark brown and golden yellow just as the sun hits them at the right angle; straight sharp nose; high cheekbones that supported soft pinchable cheeks that would blush easily whenever a show of affection was thrown his way; lips that weren't too thin or too puckered.

To The Sad Youth [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now