CH. 7

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CH. 7 (Emmett)

Carlisle had called ahead and spoken with Aro, He told him of my intention and Aro agreed to have me stay with them as a guest. I only planned to stay there for three days. I figured that would be a sufficient amount of time to talk everything out and i could then figure out if i was still in Love with Rosalie or if I indeed needed to move on.

Two years can change a person. This much i know.

Upon arrival, Aro had sent Alec to pick me up. I didn't mind Alec, it was his evil twin sister who irked me.

"I hope your flight was suitable for your taste." Alec said, attempting to make small talk.

"It was fine, uh, thank you"

"Rosalie has made a fine addition to the Volturi guard. She and Heidi make an excellent duo." Alec continued.

I sighed and replied."That's wonderful news." I said, not really listening to what he had said once he said HER name.

Soon we got to the car and we rode in silence for the rest of the way there.

Not one to waver from my "diet" I asked where i could hunt and Alec gave me directions to the nearest woods.

We arrived at the palace in no time and i was nervous, i hadn't seen HER in two years, what if she wanted nothing to do with me but at first glance i fall in love with her all over again?

As we walked past the fountain a little girl with red hair ran past me and instantly an image of Red popped into my head.

Her beautiful face smiling up at me, her blue eyes shining. I smiled at the image and somehow got the strength to continue walking, if anything i was doing this to give us a chance, to give Red a chance.

I wondered what she was doing right now. She was probably asleep. I wonder what it would feel like to have her sleeping in my arms in that big ass bed Alice put in my room.

I was now right outside of the doors that lead to the throne room, here the Volturi conduct sentencings and their feedings.

The heavy doors opened for Alec and I, and in we walked.

"Ah Emmett Cullen, thank you for coming by and visiting us. We do love when our Cullen friends come by. Pray tell me, how is my old friend Carlisle?" Aro spoke standing to greet me.

"He is doing well, we just moved, Washington was getting too familiar for us. But Carlisle sends his best and hopes you are all well and in good health." I said with forced politeness and pleasantries.

"Always the doting friend. Well Please make yourself at home here, but stay too long and we may just try and recruit you too." Aro said chuckling to himself. "Felix, show Emmett to his quarters. Oh and Emmett." He said making me turn back around to face him. "We eat around 7pm but we will respect your wishes if you choose not to dine with us, there is a small woods a few miles away from here."

After these words i was dismissed.

I saw neither Blake or Rosalie and i hated Felix so i was in a shitty mood.

I followed Felix down a few tunnels and then up some stairs as he finally brought me to my room.

"If you need anything, Tomas, your cleaning boy will attend to them. He usually comes by twice a day to clean up and check on our guests." Felix stated without meeting my eyes and his fists balled.

We've never liked each other and i have always wanted to fight him, this was no secret to anyone including him.

I grunted to let him know I heard him and then slammed the door in his face.

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