CH. 14

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CH. 14 (Elle)

Knock knock knock...

I grumbled trying to make my eyes open as the sounds of someone at the door continued to come.

Knock knock knock...

"I'm up!" I growled.

"Somebody's a grouchy pants this morning."

I rolled over from my stomach to my back and watched as Alice came gliding into my room, Kate right behind her.

"So how did your date go last night?" Kate asked giddily.

I just grinned like a Cheshire cat as I grabbed a pillow to cover my face.

"Oh I'd say she had a great time." Alice boasted.

"ALICE!" I screamed as I jumped up on my bed remembering how much i wanted to thank her for last night.

"You are beyond amazing, I still can't believe last night. Emmett said you pretty much did all of it and I can't begin to even tell you how spectacular everything was."

Alice stood there beaming with pride. Kate sat on my bed and began to beg for details.

"Oh you can go and see it anytime." Alice said.

We looked up at her curiously.

She giggled her high pitched laugh and then explained herself.

"Well, that is now Emmett and Elle's spot. Em saw how much Elle loved it last night so naturally he won't let any of us touch a thing." she said as if it was nothing.

"Oh Elle, you gotta let me go and see it!" Kate cried.

"Of course silly, you don't need my permission." I said laughing at her.

Alice wore a serious face.

"What?" I asked,

"Actually Elle, she does." Alice informed me.

I looked at her like she was crazy.

Alice and Kate looked at each other, then Kate spoke.

"Um, remember what I told you about the Cullen men and extravagant gifts?" Kate asked.

It took me a minute but I finally connected the two.

"He can't just give me a pond. Who the heck goes around giving people ponds?" I asked

"Actually it's more like a plot of land." Alice corrected.

I rolled my eyes at her and continued my rant.

"When you said extravagant gifts I was expecting jewelry or something." I said trying to make my point.

"Oh good, here" Alice smiled holding out a bright blue bag. I recognized it right away, I mean what girl wouldn't know a Tiffany's bag when she sees it?

She continued talking, "I thought you were gonna be like Bella and oppose all of our gifts."

I stared at her like she had just sprung another head.

"It's from Em." she said as she thrust the bag to my chest then made her way to my closet.

I looked at the bag with wonderment. Why would he buy me jewelry, we've barely even started dating. I thought to myself.

"You better get used to it." Kate said fixing her hair in the mirror.

"Open it then get ready, we're going dress shopping." Alice demanded without giving me a choice.

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