CH. 35

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CH. 35 (Elle)

Jasper had me exercise my gift almost daily.

We tested strengths and weakness' as well as distance.

So far nobody was able to attack me mentally or physically no matter how far or close they were.

Much to my own displeasure Jasper suggested we let the kids learn how to fight.

My babies were already the size of four year olds.

They were beyond intelligent and extremely gifted.

After much discussions Emmett and I agreed to tell the kids what we were up against.

After we explained the Volturi Jasper sat the kids down and showed them a few fighting attacks.

But we branded into their brains that they were only to fight If someone tried to harm them first.

If the Volturi did in fact come and it looked like we were losing then Katrina was to use her gift.

Carlisle and Jasper had conditioned her perfectly, she could now teleport with others as well as into other places.

She just had to be shown a very vivid picture, and then she could take you there.

She never teleported alone now.

Emmett wrestled with Killian to test his strength, and Edward guided Kellan in mind warm ups and how to project his minds voice to further distances.

After a while we calmed down a little.

We were all sitting outside one afternoon.

The ice on the lake was starting to thin out, and the sun was out more now, giving an almost warm feel.

Alice was mindlessly dancing around when suddenly she lost her footing.

Edward was the fastest and reached her first before she fell into the lake.

Her eyes were empty but horror struck, Edwards face mirrored hers exactly.

"They're coming." They whispered simultaneously.

We were all around them in the blink of an eye.

Emmett and I had our kids pressed against our chests and everyone was looking around nervously.

"Call everyone, they will be here in exactly four days from now." Alice said. "We're fighting at night" Alice hissed.

I looked up at my husband sad and worried.

He gave me the same look then kissed my forehead as we squeezed our children just a little tighter.

We quickly headed inside and all of the men pulled out phones and were calling people in a heartbeat.

I didn't let the kids move from my side for a second.

Esme made the kids, Nessie, and Jake Lunch and the Denali's as well as the Lycans showed up.

"We'll have to hunt." Bella said as she worriedly stroked her daughters long copper hair.

We all nodded.

"Red and I will hunt the night before." Emmett informed everyone.

"Alice and I will join them." Jasper said.

"As will Katie, Tanya and I" Garrett put in.

Carlisle & Esme, Carmen & Elezar, Bella & Edward. Were scheduled to go right before us.

"When do they come?" Maks asked as he and Cole looked at the calendar.

"Alice saw them coming Four days from now, but they won't approach us until night fall." Edward responded emptily.

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