CH. 19

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CH. 19 (Emmett)

As we sat in the limo on the way back to the house I could sense Red's nerves.

She kept biting her bottom lip and messing with her fingers frantically.

I laid my hand over hers and she relaxed a little, enough to give me a weak but worried smile.

I stroked her face with my free hand and pecked her soft lips lightly then another on her forehead.

We pulled up to the house and we could all hear Red's heart pounding violently.

I kept hold of her hand and ushered her out of the car.

'She's here', i thought to myself.

Edward looked at me and nodded.

Bella opened the door and we all walked into the sitting room.

Still in her black cloak, there she stood.

Princess Rosalie.

Her smell, her face, nothing was the same to me now. What once turned me on and made me happy was now a sad site.

Sad, because she is and always will be my savior, and I'm seeing my savior destroy herself for the sake of a title.

Renesme moved from Rosalie's arms with a huge smile on her face.

"Look everybody, Aunt Rose is back!" She said with happy exuberance.

"She isn't your aunt anymore Nessie." Jake growled.

Rosalie hissed at him. "She IS my neice!"

"No, you would have to be a part if the family to be considered MY niece's Aunt." Alice said going to stand next to Jake.

"I'm her aunt as long as her PARENTS say I am." She replied angrily.

Edward stayed quiet, but looked upset. Bella on the other hand spoke.

"What are you doing here Rose?" She asked sadly.

Rosalie smiled an evil smile and slowly made her way to me.

"I came back to be with my husband." She said as she ran a razor sharp finger down my chest.

The combination made me growl and back away from her.

I forgot I was holding Red's hand and I unknowingly jerked her back as well.

"Well Em, it seems you've found a distraction." Rosalie said "and HUMAN no less."

"Jealous?" Red asked sharply.

In a heartbeat Rosalie was mere inches away from Red.

As worried as I was in that moment I couldn't help but notice the rather large difference in their height, Elleen while human looked more intimidating with her tall stature.

Everyone in the room took a fighting stance.

Red's jaw was set in an angry manner and she had an eyebrow lifted as she waited for a response.

"Watch your mouth human or you'll be dinner." Rosalie threated.

Hisses spread through out the house.

Red somehow jerked her hand from mine and put them on her hips.

"Look here Vampire Barbie, you don't know who your messing with so it would be smart If you said your peace and left my town instead of standing here making idle threats." Red said defiantly.

Rosalie sneered at Red and snapped Her teeth.

To everyone's surprise Red didn't budge an inch.

But I had reached my limit.

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