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The next morning she woke early and showered, contemplating when it wouldn't be too early to text him.  She knew she already liked him but things were delicate, and she still felt like she was playing with fire.

How serious is the other person taking things?  Are they just casually feeling it out or are they as into you as you are them?

After overthinking it for a while she decided to surprise him by taking the tube to his apartment.  It would be just before noon when she got there.  Surely he'd be up by then.  

Once she exited the station and took a look around, she realized how different things looked in the daylight.  Last night had felt more romantic and devil-may-care.  Today, things felt more unsure and just...different.  

Her former rush to get here was replaced by nervousness.  Her steps slowed considerably as she walked down his street and climbed the stairs to his door, or to what she thought was his door.

Taking a breath to steady herself, she ignored the curious glances from his neighbors out front, walking their dog.

Raising her hand to knock, she hesitated slightly before finally making herself lightly rap four or five times.  She heard nothing, so when the door opened abruptly and with force, she nearly lost her balance as she moved back slightly.

The smile on her face faded as a woman answered the door, looking extremely annoyed.


Had she remembered wrongly which one was his?

"Is Draco here?"

"Yeah, he's here."  She smirked darkly as she looked Hermione up and down, grinning wickedly.  "Shower," she whispered.

She said it as if it were a girl-to-girl thing, her expression conveying a meaning that didn't need explaining.

"Could you tell him Hermione was here?  Please tell him I'm sorry I didn't text or call first."

"Oh, yeah, sure thing Hermeenee."

With a blatant mispronunciation and an amused look, the girl shut the door in Hermione's face.  

She stood for a moment, rooted in place.  She debated confronting Draco only briefly before realizing how pointless it would be.  She turned and descended the steps, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

How did I let myself get into a position like this?

She considered herself smarter than this, but here she was, falling for another guy's well-spun presentation.

Her feet carried her further down the street as fast as she could without running.  She could feel tears pricking her eyes as she grew angry - mostly at herself.   She hurried back towards the station she'd just gotten off at moments ago, berating herself mentally for being so stupid.

Just as she was crossing the street she heard her name being called.  

"Shit," she muttered, walking faster as he kept calling her name.  

No, no, no, no, no.  Please let me just get to the station.


She ignored him and kept walking, hoping he'd give up and stop following her.  But the shouts persisted and grew closer, and short of breaking into a run, she knew he would catch her.  

"Stop!  Wait!"

At the risk of embarrassing herself in public, she whirled around and crossed her arms, waiting for him to catch up.  He wasn't far behind and was jogging a good clip.

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