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When they woke New Years Eve morning, it didn't take long for her to notice James seeming preoccupied.  He was definitely quieter than usual as they both showered and got dressed for work.

He'd mentioned something a couple of days ago about them dressing up a little for tonight, and that they'd be outdoors at times, though he wouldn't tell her anything else. 

She'd made a little shopping trip after work one evening while he was booked with late appointments, eager to have a distraction from the heavy thoughts that had been weighing her down as of late.

She'd picked out a new black dress that flattered and paired it with new black tights and some nice boots that she already owned.  She also wore the necklace his mother had given her along with the earrings James had gifted her.

She was only going to be at the bookstore for three hours, so she went ahead and dressed for tonight and went to work ready for when he picked up her up later.  

When the clock finally struck the hour she'd been waiting for all day, she happily locked up and ran her report, dropping what little money they'd made into the safe. She personally thought her boss should have just closed today, as very few customers had come in. Everyone was busy with plans, not shopping for books.

When she stepped outside a few minutes later, James was waiting for her.  

He stepped out of the back of a taxi looking even more handsome than usual in a nice-looking suit she'd not seen in his closet. His hair was back in a knot at the crown of his head and though he looked happy to see her, he also still looked as though something was on his mind.

She knew him well enough now that this look of preoccupation worried her.

Had he figured out that he didn't have all of her heart? 
That she faked it each time they got in bed together? 
Was he planning some sort of heavy talk tonight to give an ultimatum?

As she twisted the key in the lock with her back turned, the thought crossed her mind that he may be having second thoughts about things and just didn't know how to say it. 

She'd become slightly tangled with him financially lately and was supposed to be officially moving in next month, and they were talking about trying to start a family next year possibly.

Perhaps it was getting to him, or maybe the shop wasn't doing well financially and he was worried.

Endless options ran through her head in a matter of seconds, and when she turned and made her way to him, she had to mask her emotions.  She was somewhat an expert at it now, and he seemed to not notice anything was amiss.

"You look fantastic. I left before you did so I didn't get to see you all dolled up."

"The make-up isn't my usual thing, but since I didn't know where we were going I thought I'd better look presentable."

"You always look presentable. You look beautiful like this and every day. Don't worry, tonight's supposed to be fun."


He held the door open as she carefully climbed in, sliding over for him to join her in the backseat.

"It's New Year's Eve, why wouldn't tonight be about having a good time?"

"You've seemed a little preoccupied since this morning, that's all.  So you aren't going to tell me where we're going still?"

"Nope," he smiled mysteriously.

By the time they pulled up near the pub she'd met him at, she was more than a little surprised.   Between the short drive and the location, she was completely clueless.

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