About You

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You fumbled around in the dark for your phone, desperate to find it just so that the ringing would stop. Truly, you didn't know what time it was currently, but since the sun wasn't even up yet you assumed it was well before 6 am. Whoever was calling better have a good reason for it.

"Hello?" you mumbled groggily into your phone without checking to see who it was because the screen was just too bright. There was a few moments of silence before a way too loud voice shouted back at you, almost causing you to drop your phone.

"Oh my God, Y/N? I was just thinking about you!" The voice of your obviously very drunk girlfriend squealed through the phone. Despite having been woken up so early, you couldn't help but crack a small smile at Camila's overly excited voice.

"Yeah? You didn't have to call me just because you were thinking about me," you laughed. You heard your girlfriend huff at your words and for a moment you were sure that she was going to hang up.

"No, I know. I just wanted to say hi! Oh, and to remind you that I love you. Did you know that?!" She was practically shouting at this point, but since she was a happy drunk you found it easy to forgive her. You really should've expected this anyway, seeing as how she went out with her friends to celebrate one of their engagements. You had decided to stay home because you didn't want to intrude on her time with them and thought that maybe you could get some rest. 'Maybe I should've just gone anyway," you thought to yourself, glancing at the time on your phone and seeing that it was 1 am. So much for relaxing.

Camila continued babbling on about random subjects, but soon enough you found yourself getting too tired to stay up any longer.

"Mila, babe. I know you want t talk to me but I'm super tired. Why don't you go play with that dog you mentioned earlier that your friend just got? Or maybe you could get some sleep as well." Though you obviously couldn't see her through the phone, you could practically hear her pouting.

"Are you sure? I like talking to you because I love you, remember?" she slurred, and if she wasn't safely at her friends house you would definitely be worried about her.

"I'm sure, Camila. I'm glad that I'm the person you choose to call when you're drunk. I love you too, okay? She didn't respond after that which did make you worry for a bit, but then you started laughing quietly when you realized that you could make out the distant sound of her cooing to the dog about what a good boy he was. Typically Camila. She may wake you up at unspeakable hours and drunkenly profess her love to you, but honestly, you wouldn't trade her for anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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