Jin ♡ Best Friend's Sister [request]

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Requested by @Cute_tee she requested an imagine where you're one of the member's sisters and you take care of all the boys and bring them food and all that cute stuff, and you have a crush on Jin uwu

I walk into the building where BTS live. The security guard gives me a small nod.

I give a small nod back and make my way onto the elevator. The large bags of food in my hands are really heavy. I can't wait to set them down.
"The things I do for these boys." I sigh.
The elevator doors slide open and I make my way to the dorm. I type in the passcode and enter.

Hoseok and Taehyung are sitting on the couch scrolling through their phones. They look u when they hear me walk in.

"Y/n!" They shout in unison.
"Guys Y/n is here!" Hoseok announced.

Moments later footsteps could be heard shuffling quickly down the hallway.

Five boys came rushing into the living room.

"She brought food!" Jungkook cheered and ran up trying to grab the bags, but I jerked them away before he could get them.
"Aw." He frowned.
"Guys give her some space." Namjoon said pushing everyone aside.
"Aw look at him being a protective big brother." Jimin chuckled, ruffling the older member's hair.
"Ah stop it Jimin." Namjoon said trying to force back a grin. "Y/n you can set all that in the kitchen."

I nodded and walked into the kitchen placing the bags on the counter. All seven boys congregated around the kitchen island and watched me with big eyes.

One by one I pulled out containers of the boys' favorite foods. As soon as I announced which food was for who, they grabbed the container and started to dig in.

I grabbed Jin's container of food out of the bag and walked up to him.

"I got steak for you." I said, handing the container over to him. "There's also some steamed vegetables."
"Thank you Y/n." He grinned cutely and patted my head.
"Mhm. You're welcome." I blushed as he walked off.

I've had a huge crush on him since I first met him way back when Namjoon was a trainee. He was so handsome back then and he's even more handsome now. My feelings have only gotten stronger, but I've learned to hide them well. I have tried to give small hints to him but it hasn't worked.
I pulled my own food container out of the bag and started eating.
Jin and I aren't very close. We exchange a few words here and there and we've hung out together while I'm here visiting or at their concerts, but that's all. We don't text each other or call each other, he even has my number but neither of us bother to initiate a conversation. Maybe he's just not interested.

I sigh and eat my food, lost in my thoughts as I do so. I feel someone hug me causing me to jump.

"What's wrong Y/n?"

It's Hoseok.

"Nothing. I just don't feel well." I lied.
"Hey get your hands off her." Namjoon said smacking Hoseok.
"Sorry." He chuckled and stepped away.
"Do you need to go to the doctor?" Namjoon asked looking at me.
"No I'll be okay." I smiled.

I stayed and hung out with the boys for a while until I started to make my way home. All seven of them continuously thanked me for bringing them food. When I got home I washed up and got ready for bed.


I woke up and stretched before getting dressed and putting some makeup on. I had decided that I'd go visit the boys again today.
The weather seemed a bit warmer than it's been so I put on a light hoodie, leggings and some adidas. I decided to walk to the dorms today since the weather is nice.

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