Namjoon ♡ Take a Break

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I laid back on the couch in Namjoon's studio as I watched him mess with his sound system. He clicked around on the computer and played a few samples of music he composed. He bobbed his head as he listened to the beats quietly thumping through his speakers.

"What do you think baby?" He asked spinning around in his chair to face me.
"It sounds really good."
"Yeah?" He beamed, his dimples making an appearance.
"Yeah. You're so good at making music. I could never be as good as you."
"Don't do this to me." He giggled covering his face.

Namjoon is so cute when he's flustered.

"You're doing a good job babe." I smiled watching him peek at me through his fingers.
"Thank you." He said dropping his hands from his face. "You don't have to keep hanging out in here you know. You can go in the lounge room and lay in that massage chair, if Yoongi isn't in it already. You could go get something to eat or do anything besides laying in here watching me work."
"I'm fine. I'm not bored or anything. I enjoy watching you work."
"You do?"
I nodded.
"Okay then. If you say so. Feel free to leave if you do get bored."

He spun back around and faced his computer once again. He hummed to himself and composed a few more beats before revising them. He hummed along but stopped. He sighed and went back to alter the music.

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out seeing a text from Hoseok.

Hobi: Where are you and Joon? I picked up some food for everyone.

You: I'm in his studio watching him work.

Hobi: Okay I'll bring you guys some food :)

"Hobi is gonna bring us some food."
"What kind of food?" Namjoon asked not taking his eyes off the computer.
"I don't know but I'm starving."
"Yeah me too. I've been working so hard I didn't even realize how hungry I was."

There was a knock on Namjoon's studio door. Namjoon turned towards the door just as it was opened and a very happy Hoseok came walking in.

"Surprise! I got food." He grinned.

He handed me a small takeout box along with some chopsticks and handed Namjoon one too.

"So how is the song coming along?" Hoseok asked walking over to Namjoon's computer.
"Slow." He answered.
"Yeah that's usually how it is. Can I hear some of it?"

Namjoon clicked around on the computer before the beat played through the speakers. Hoseok bobbed his head to the music.

"It sounds great Joon."
"Thanks. I still think it needs work."
"You'll get there." Hoseok have Namjoon a reassuring pat on the back before leaving.

I opened up the box of food and started eating. I don't know where Hoseok got this from but it's amazing. I noticed Namjoon had set his box aside and turned back towards the computer.

"Joon." I spoke softly.
"You're not gonna eat?"
"I have to add some more to this song, then I'll eat."
I sighed and stood up walking over to him. I placed my hands on his shoulders and slowly started massaging them. His hand slid off the mouse and he leaned back in his chair letting out a sigh. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheekbone then his temple.

"You need to take a break baby."
"I know."
"Then take a break." I whispered as I peppered kisses all over his cheek.
"Okay." He agreed.
"Good." I smiled and grabbed his food handing it to him.
"Why don't you come sit back here in the couch?"
He nodded and followed me to the couch taking a seat next to me.
"You're gonna love the food Hoseok brought. It's so good." I said continuing to eat my food.
Namjoon opened the box an started eating.
"Wow. This really is good."

Namjoon and I finished all of the food we had and laid back on the couch together.

"I should get back to work." Namjoon said.
"No." I stopped him from getting up. "Just relax a little longer."
I got up close to his face and pouted cutely. He tried to fight back a smile. I grabbed his cheeks and squished them.
"I don't know~" he teased. "Maybe if you give me a kiss I'll consider it."
"Deal." I said before pressing my lips to his.

His arm wrapped around my waist as he kissed back immediately. His full lips encasing mine as his fingers slightly traced shapes on my hip. I brought my fingers up to his soft hair and moved closer to him.

He pulled away breathlessly.

"Maybe I can work on the music tomorrow."
"Good idea." I smiled going back in for another kiss

QOTD: Favorite hair color on a BTS member?

AOTD: I really like Tae with red or blue hair. It really does look good on him. I also like Yoongi with dark hair but I wish he would bring Mint Yoongi back. Hoseok looks good with dark hair but I really liked the red.

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