Namjoon ♡ Vampire Reader

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I stepped out of my apartment and squinted my eyes as the sun shone down on me. Ever since I got turned I haven't been able to handle the sun as well as I used to. It won't burn me to a crisp nor does it blind me, it's just annoying is all. It's like a constant feeling of irritation when the sun is shining on me.
I slipped on my sunglasses as I made my way down the street, passing by people on their way to wherever they're going.
I miss being a human sometimes. I miss the feeling of being satisfied when I eat my favorite food, or sleeping half the day away and waking up at 2pm. But being a vampire has its perks. I don't have to sleep much, I have more energy, I'm much stronger and I can run faster than I ever could have as a human.

I wasn't going out for anything in particular, just to walk around and get some fresh air.
As I head down the worn street I wonder if any of these people passing by know I'm a vampire. The existence of vampires is known, but people don't really go to seek us out.

I'm pulled away from my pointless thoughts by a rustling sound coming from a nearby alley. I pick up my pace and turn down the short alleyway. I notice an aluminum trash can that's been tipped over, it's moving around letting me know something is inside which makes me panic a little. The possibilities of what wild, rabies infested animal is in that trash can is enough to give me the heebie jeebies. Just as I'm about to turn around and hightail it out of there, a small dog emerges from the trash can, a half eaten burger in its mouth.

"Oh." I let out a sigh of relief. "It's just a dog." I mutter to myself, laughing lightly at my silliness.

The animal hears me, it's ears perk up and it's head turns towards me.
I'm prepared for the dog to start barking and growling at me. Dogs don't like vampires. It's sad too because I adore dogs.

I'm caught off guard when the little dog comes walking up to me. I hesitantly squat down closer to the animal's height as it starts sniffing me. I'm completely speechless as it looks up at me. I'm a bit reluctant as I reach my hand out to lightly scratch the top of the dog's head. It starts tilting its head to the side, pushing its head against my fingers, urging me to keep going.

I let out a light chuckle, a smile spreading across my face. I'm beyond happy that this dog has taken a liking to me, this is the first time I've felt somewhat human since I've been turned.

"Hey cutie." I coo.
I glance down and see that the dog is a boy.
"Are you lost little guy?"
I stop petting him for a moment to which he reaches up and licks my hand, wanting more pets. I laugh and start to pet him again.
He's not wearing a tag and he looks a little shoddy. I don't think he belongs to anyone.
"You wanna come home with me?" I asked, knowing the dog wouldn't answer. Instead he licked my hand.
"Okay then, I guess we're going to the pet store." I said lifting the dog up into my arms.

I entered a nearby pet store and purchased all the necessary items I needed for my new dog. When I got home I set out his food and water bowl, bed and toys. I set his leash on a nearby table and watched as he took off through the house. I suddenly remembered he was rummaging through a trash can when I found him, he's probably hungry. I got him some fresh water and a big scoop of dog food. He immediately came running to the food bowl.
I smiled happily as I watched him eat.

"I'm gonna take good care of you." I smiled scratching his ears softly.

Later that evening I gave him a bath, he did such a good job too. I was a little surprised since he was a stray, I assumed he would be skittish around bathwater.
After I brushed him out and dried him he looked like a totally different dog. I put a collar on him, one of the many pet items I purchased today. Since I haven't named him yet, I didn't get a tag.

That night I ended up letting him sleep in bed with me. I had his bed in the floor, but he wanted to sleep on the bed with me and I couldn't say no.

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