Hoseok ♡ Ditched

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Shoutout to my sister who gave me this idea.

I headed to the front gates of the amusement park ready to meet with my date. I went ahead and purchased two tickets worried that they would sell out before my date could get here.

"I'd like two tickets please." I said to the ticket guy.
"Here you go. That'll be $36."

The ticket guy was kinda cute. He had dark brown hair and the brightest smile I've ever seen.

"I'm waiting on someone, is it okay if I sit here?" I asked pointing to the benches jut behind the ticket booth.
"Sure." He said.

I paid and headed inside the gate. I took a seat on the bench and looked around for my date to show up. After about ten minutes the ticket booth guy turned around and looked at me.

"Is your friend still not here?" he asked.
"Maybe they'll show up in a few minutes."
"Yeah. I hope so."

Thirty minutes had passed and I now resorted to playing on my phone. Ticket booth guy continued to check on me. Then it was an hour.

"Excuse me."

I looked up and saw the ticket booth guy leaned over the back of the booth.

"You think they'll be here?"
"I'm starting to doubt it. I guess I got ditched."
"Oh." The guy said with a frown. "You were going on a date?"
"Yeah." I sighed.
"Listen, my shift ends in fifteen minutes. Can you wait a little longer?"
"Sure. Why though?"
"I was thinking I could hang out with you instead of that jerk. How does that sound?" He asked flashing a smile.
"I'd like that."
"Ah. I didn't even introduce myself and here I am offering to hang out with you." He chuckled. "I'm Hoseok."
"Nice to meet you Hoseok. I'm Y/n."
"What a beautiful name."
I blushed a little as he turned around and continued working.

After waiting for fifteen minutes Hoseok left his ticket booth and walked up to me.

"You ready?"
I nodded and stood up linking arms with him.
"Which ride do you want to go on first?" He asked.
"Hmm. How about the bumper cars since they're just right there."
"Okay! C'mon!" He giggled pulling me towards the ride.

We stood in line for a few minutes until it was our turn. I went for the purple bumper car while Hoseok went for the red one.
Once everyone was seated and buckled we were able to get to the fun part.
I immediately sped towards Hoseok ramming the side of his bumper car.

"You're gonna regret that!" He said driving after me.
I slammed on the gas and got out away from him as fast as I could. Unfortunately my attempt was a failed one. Hoseok bumped the back of my car jerking me forward. I quickly turned my car around and headed for him.
When the ride was over we headed to another one and another one.

"How about that?" I asked pointing at a rollercoaster.
Hoseok's face seemed to visibly pale.
"Oh. If you're uncomfortable we don't have to go."
"No. I'll go. That one doesn't even have any big loops so it should be fine." He said.
"Yeah. I've been on that ride a few times. It's not bad."
"Okay." He nodded.

We had to wait in line for a while until we were able to get on the ride.

"Are you okay?" I asked Hoseok.
"Yeah. I'll be okay." He laughed nervously.
"How about you tell me something about you?"
"Uh... I have a dog named Mickey. He's really cute."
"Aw. I love dogs."
"Maybe if I don't die on the roller coaster you can meet him sometime." He said gripping the safety bar.

The ride started and the roller coaster began making its way up a large hill.
Hoseok grabbed my hand tightly as we got to the top. The cart startled to slowly move down the huge arch until gravity took over and we dropped. Hoseok let out a scream as we went speeding down.

After the ride he seemed a bit pale.

"Are you okay?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah. It wasn't even that bad."

After we let the adrenaline settle we got some food. Hoseok insisted on paying which was really nice.

"So Y/n." Hoseok started before taking a sip of his drink. "Tell me a little bit about you. What are your hobbies?"

Hoseok and I really got to know each other while we ate. He seems like a really sweet guy not to mention he's way cuter than the guy who ditched me.

After we finished eating we rode the carousel and a few other rides before we were ready to go home. He was kind enough to walk me to my car.

"Thank you for offering to hang out with me." I said.
"Thank you for agreeing."
"I had fun. I wouldn't mind doing it again."
"Me either. Maybe next time we can go somewhere with less adrenaline." He chuckled.
"I agree." I nodded, giggling a little.
"Well, I'm gonna let you get home before it gets too late."
"Right. Thanks again Hoseok."
"No problem."

He leaned in giving me a quick kiss on my cheek. I gasped and placed my hand on the spot where he just kissed.
He walked away giggling.

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