Taehyung ♡ Bath

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This is like the Yoongi one. IT'S NOT SMUT. Please refrain from making dirty comments and pointing stuff out like "Isn't his thing touching her?" like yeah obviously but I try to look over that stuff only focus on the cute parts of the imagine. So PLEASE don't make any comments about that kinda stuff.

I made sure my hair was tied up and out of my face as I smoothed out the robe I was wearing. I checked the bathwater, making sure it was warm enough. There were so many bubbles in the tub that they nearly spilled over the edge.

Taehyung and I had decided to have a relaxing bubble bath to calm down after the hectic week.

"Babe, the bath is ready!" I called.
Seconds later, the bathroom door swung open. Taehyung sashayed in and struck a pose in his silk bathrobe.

(I wrote this before the pajama party RUN BTS episode came out. Now I have a perfect reference photo for the robe I imagined Tae in)

 Now I have a perfect reference photo for the robe I imagined Tae in)

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I chuckled and dried my hands on a nearby hand towel. Next thing I know Taehyung is rushing past me and making his way into the tub, his robe discarded and hung up already.

"Hey!" I whine.
"Sorry angel. I couldn't wait."

I sigh and remove my robe, hanging it up next to his before getting into the tub with him. The warm water made my muscles instantly relax.

"Ah." I sighed as I eased myself into the tub.
"This water is perfect." Taehyung said.
"Come here." He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to him.
I leaned back against his chest, letting myself relax in his embrace.
"You want me to sing?" Taehyung asked.
"Of course."
He immediately started belting out one of his group's songs, but in opera.
"Taehyung!" I laughed loudly.
"What? You don't like it?" He asked.
"I do. It was just unexpected."
"I'm spontaneous aren't I, Y/n?"
"Yes you are." I grinned, kissing his cheek.
He let out a cute giggle in response.
"Can you sit up?" He asked.
I did as he said. He grabbed my loofah and put some body wash on it before he started to gently wash my back.

"That feels nice." I sighed, resting my head on my knees.
Taehyung moved the loofah over my shoulders and down my back, scrubbing lightly. A few seconds later he rinsed my back off. I felt soft kisses being pressed to my shoulder. I could feel the slight stubble on Taehyung's chin brushing against my skin making me chuckle.

"Okay. My turn!" He said.
I shook my head at his quick attitude change. He turned around while I got his loofah and put some body wash on it. I started to scrub his back, coating it with bubbles.
"Ahhh." Taehyung sighed. "That's nice."
Once I got done washing his back, I decided to have some fun and draw some shapes in the bubbles. I traced my finger along his back, making the shape of a heart.
"Cute." Taehyung giggled.
As I rinsed off his back, I noticed him playing with the bubbles. He turned around revealing a  beard made of bubbles.
"You're so cute." I gushed. "Here let's add more."
I grabbed a handful of bubbles and started layering them on his face.
"There." I smiled.
Taehyung quickly leaned in, pressing a sudsy kiss to my cheek, leaving behind bubbles.
"Hey!" I giggle, wiping the bubbles off my face.
I brought my hands up to his face, washing the bubbles off his chin and cheeks. I saw his eyes following me as I ran my hands across his cheeks.
He leaned in, placing his finger under my chin as he kissed me. I closed my eyes, leaning into him. His arm wrapped around my waist as mine rested on his chest.

"You're so beautiful." He mumbled against my lips. "All of you."
I felt myself blush.
A small grin appeared on his face, satisfied that he'd gotten me to blush.
"I love you." I whispered, tracing my finger over his lips.
"I love you too." He said before diving in for another kiss.

FOUR updates today to celebrate BTS Imagines teaching 1 million reads!!! It's all thanks to you guys my book got so many reads. It wouldn't have all those reads if it weren't for you guys! So thank you again!!

 It wouldn't have all those reads if it weren't for you guys! So thank you again!!

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