Yoongi ♡ Bar Fight

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I looked around the luxurious club admiring the fancy furniture and individual private seating areas. I looked down from the second floor watching everyone dance. The lights flash with the beat of the music as the crowd mingled.

"Here you go baby." The sound of Yoongi's voice was right beside me.

I turned and saw him holding two drinks. He extended his arm handing me one of them.

"I got both of us the same thing." He said. "Let's go sit down."
I nodded and followed him to one of the private seating areas.

Yoongi and I are the type of couple who would rather stay home and eat takeout rather than go out to some luxurious club. However we decided we would "try something new." So here we are.

"Are you having fun?" He asked.
"Eh." I shrugged. "I'd rather be home."
"Me too." He said taking a sip of his drink.

I sat there tapping my fingers on the table to then beat of the music. Little by little Yoongi and I finished our drinks.

"You wanna go dance?" He asked out of nowhere.
"You're asking me to dance?"
"Yeah, why not." He shrugged. "We could try and have some fun. That way I won't feel like this night was wasted."
"Fair enough. Let's go."

We got up and made our way to the dance floor. Yoongi kept a tight grip on my hand until we got to the middle of the crowd. His hand moved to my waist pulling me close to him.

"Baby, I hate to say this but I can't dance." I admitted.
"Me either. Just do whatever feels right." He said nonchalantly.
I placed my arms around Yoongi's neck and started swaying my hips to the music. A smirk took over his face as he watched me.

"That's it babygirl." He whispered in my ear.
His words made me blush but also gave me a confidence boost. Yoongi started nodding his head to the music and dancing along just a little.

Next thing I know Yoongi and I are dancing around like crazy people. We're laughing and jumping around having the time of our lives. Eventually we got tired, which was pretty quickly.
Yoongi pulled me over away from the crowd, both of us panting. His face is glistening with sweat and his bangs are stuck to his forehead.

"That was fun." I laughed.
"Yeah it was. I'm gonna go get us some drinks okay?"
"Okay. I'll be right here."

I watched him walk off towards the bar. It was hard to see him because of the dim lights but I could see he was taking to the bartender. He glanced back at me and winked. I blushed and bit my lip, looking down at my feet.

"Hey there angel."

I jumped upon hearing an unfamiliar voice. I looked up and saw a guy dressed in a white dress shirt that seemed to be unbuttoned a little too low.
Before I could say anything to him he started talking again.
"I saw you out there dancing. You seem like a fun girl." He bit his bottom lip and stepped towards me.
"I have a boyfriend." I said sternly as I stepped back.
"That shorty that was dancing with you is your boyfriend?" He chuckled.
"Yes he is." I said through gritted teeth.
"Why don't you let me show you what a real man is like." He placed his hands on the wall behind me, caging me in.

Next thing I know the creepy guy is shoved away from me. I see Yoongi glaring at the guy, his shoulders moving up and down as he breathes heavily.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her." He growled.
"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?"

Yoongi ran at the guy and punched him square in the face nearly knocking him down. The creepy guy seemed surprised at how strong Yoongi's punch was. He immediately ran at Yoongi, swinging his fists. He landed a few punches on Yoongi as I tried desperately to stop all the madness.
As much as I want this guy to get pummeled, I can't let it happen. We could potentially get kicked out for a bar fight.

"Stop hitting him you creep!" I shout.

He pushes me away and goes for Yoongi again. This time Yoongi manages to get him on the ground.

"DON'T. PUSH. HER. EVER. AGAIN." He yells as he punches the guy's face repeatedly.
"Yoongi that's enough! Get off him!" I said grabbing his shoulders trying to pull him away.

He throws a couple more punches before allowing me to pull him off. He stumbles backwards but I make sure to keep him balanced. His cheek is busted open and so is his lip.

"Yoongi come on." I say pulling him away from the nearly unconscious guy.

When the bar staff get over to us they see the fight is already over.

"Hey!" One of them shouts.
"Yeah I know. Don't worry, we're leaving now." I said to him.
He didn't say anything else.

We make it out on the street where we start heading home. Yoongi has his arm around my waist as we walk down the street. None of us say anything on the way home. I'm not sure what to say to him honestly.
We get home and make our way inside. Yoongi takes off his jacket and his shoes.

"Come here." I say grabbing his arm.
"Where are we going?"
"I have to get your face cleaned up."

He sits on the bathroom sink as I grab a wet washcloth, cotton balls, rubbing alcohol and some ointment. I start washing his entire face being careful around the cuts, then I put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and start cleaning up the cuts on his face. He winces as I gently dab the cotton over his cheek.

"I can't believe you." I sigh.
"Are you mad at me babygirl?" He asked, his hand softly rubbing my hip.
"No. I'm frustrated. You didn't have to beat that guy up, I mean, he totally deserved it but you shouldn't have done that."
"I'm glad I did it." He scoffed.
"Yoongi." I sigh. "There are better solutions than fighting. I mean look at you, your face is all cut up." I say as I clean the cut on his lip.
"Yeah but you have to admit I look pretty hot, right?" He smirked.
I bit my lip trying not to smile and keep my tough composure, but it didn't work.
"Yeah. You do look hot."

He leaned in and kissed me, hissing when his injury makes contact with my skin.

"You have to be careful." I whisper to him.
"Yeah whatever. I can handle it." He said going in for another kiss.
I pull away and place my hand on his mouth to keep him from kissing me again.
"Promise me we won't ever go to another bar. I'd prefer takeout and sweatpants."

I moved my hand away and he dove in for another kiss. He pulled away long enough to say:
"I promise."
I had an idea a while back that I wanted to write an imagine where Yoongi gets in a fight and gets a lil beaten up defending you and then you're cleaning him up in the bathroom and all but I didn't have a story setting so uh I came up with this last minute.
I personally wouldn't go to a bar (even if I was of drinking age) It's not my thing. There's trashy people there and possibly drugs. Also I'm a pure bean.
I'd rather stay home and watch YouTube videos but uhhh I haven't written anything like this so I just said "YEET let's write about a bar fight :D"

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