Yoongi ♡ Mafia AU

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I ran down the hallway, my shoes tapping lightly against the tile floor, the sound echoing off the walls.
I was out walking the streets when all of a sudden these guys started chasing after me. I ended up running into this abandoned apartment building in an attempt to hide from these guys, but no luck. I look behind me and see the two guys pull out handguns.


I push my legs to go faster and manage to get ahead. I start hearing gunshots which makes me run faster.

"Idiot! You're not supposed to shoot her, just shoot at her!" I heard one of the guys say.

I turn down a winding hallway, running to the end of it and making a sharp right. I turn left around another corner, but someone grabs me, pulling me into a room.
I start squirming in their grip trying to break free.

"Shh. Shh. Shh."

My eyes focus and I see a man. He's got light blonde hair, but his facial features I can't see very well. Even with the orange hue of the sunset seeping into the abandoned room I can't make out his features.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." He said.
My eyes were wide with fear, body trembling.
I don't trust him.
"I promise." He spoke.

He moved closer allowing me to see his face better. He's young, older than me for sure, but still very young. He has to be in his mid 20s.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.
I shook my head no.
"Do you at least promise not to scream if I move my hand?" He asked.

I don't fully trust him, but I'd rather be stuck here with him than risk being caught by those guys out there.

I nodded.
The man slowly removed his hand from my mouth.

"Who are you?" I ask.
"My name is Min Yoongi. I'm here to protect you."
"Protect me? You don't even know me."
"Kang Y/n, daughter of Boss Kang. You have an older brother named Brian."
My eyes widened.
"Your father hired me and my friends to protect you."
"Are you with the mafia?" I asked.
He nodded.
"My father would never do that. He hates the mafia."
"Not us. We've been friends with your father for a couple years now and he hired us to keep an eye on you. Your father is one of the biggest business owners in Seoul and those goons chasing you wanted to capture you and hold you for ransom."
"No way." I covered my mouth with my hand. "Are you serious?"
"I wish I was joking. Now c'mon we gotta get out of here."

Yoongi headed over to the window that had obviously been opened previously. He crawled out, stepping onto the metal fire escape.

"You coming?" He asked.
"Yeah." I stepped out onto the metal grated platform, Yoongi immediately grabbing my hand.
I blushed and looked down at our hands.
"Don't get any ideas." He chuckled. "I'm just making sure you stay close."
I looked away feeling embarrassed that he noticed my behavior. He let out a short chuckle and pulled me down the stairs.
His phone began to ring.

"Hey... yes I have her... okay I'll meet you out back." The conversation ended quickly. I assumed it was one of his colleagues that called.
"Who's meeting us out back?" I asked as we made it to the bottom of the fire escape.
"My friends."

I followed him to the end of the alleyway where a black van pulled up to the curb, screeching to a stop. The door slid open revealing a young, dark haired man, his thick wavy hair hung in his eyes.

"Hyung, c'mon." He said.
Yoongi lightly grabbed my arm, pulling me into the van. I was surprised at how many guys were in the vehicle, all of them glad in black clothes and flashy silver jewelry.
"Do those guys know you took her?" The guy in the driver's seat asked.

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