Taehyung ♡ Siren

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Big thank you to my good fren TaesWolfie for suggesting this imagine uwu (lub you)

I pulled my cardigan around my body as I made my way to the dock. The night air is a bit chilly, but I don't mind it. It feels nice, actually. It's late, but after the stressful week I've had, I felt the need to go out on a walk.
I reached the middle of the dock and took a seat on the old weathered wood that had been worn down by the wind and rain over the years. I place my arms on one of the lower wooden rails and rest my head there. The breeze softly blows my hair, relaxation slowly washed over me like the waves on the shore.
I took a deep breath and slowly released it, feeling all of my pent up frustrations leaving my body.

The faint sound of a deep, velvety voice could barely be heard over the sound of the waves. I didn't think much of it, until the voice got louder. My eyes opened and I found myself walking to the end of the dock. The haunting melody hung in the air around me, letting louder and louder. The song was beautiful, but dark. It sent chills down my spine and put me in a trance.

Who does this beautiful voice belong to?

I stood up, walking aimlessly to the end of the dock. The voice was louder and much closer.

I have to see who the voice belongs to.

I take one more step, not realizing I've reached the end of the wooden dock. Before I can stop myself, it's too late.

"Ahhh!!" I let out a scream before I go falling into the water.

It's dark, and cold. I can't see a thing. I thrash my arms around frantically as I try to make it to the surface. I kick my legs as hard as I can and finally I break through the water's surface, my eyes widening when I see how far I am from the dock. I've gone at least four feet away. I start to swim towards the dock, the waves practically slapping me in the face. I cough, continuing towards the wooden dock. Suddenly, I feel someone push on my back, forcing me towards the dock. I let out a yelp and start flailing my arms around, that is, until I reach my destination. I get forced up out of the water, falling onto the dock. I roll over, sitting up to see who my savior was.
I'm only met with calm, dark waves, an empty ocean with no one to be seen.

I push myself to my feet, shivering as the ocean breeze hits my wet clothes.

That was so weird.

I slowly make my way home, thankful that I'm wearing flip flops and not socks and tennis shoes. I cringe at the thought of having to walk home with wet socks. The breeze dies down as I get closer to the shore, finally making my way across the sand.
I'm thankful to be able to get a hot shower after I get home. I close my eyes, letting the water warm me up. I think back on the strange experience I had in the ocean just minutes ago. Something pushed me back to the dock.

Could it have been that man that was singing that hauntingly beautiful song?
That song.
It put me in a trance. I didn't know exactly what I was doing. All I knew was that I wanted to find the man the husky and smooth voice belonged to.
I stepped out of the shower, drying off and changing into my pajamas. I went to the kitchen and made myself something to eat, my damp hair making me feel a bit chilly.
As I ate, I decided that I would go out tomorrow and try to find that man.


The next day, I got up and immediately went out to the beach. To be honest, I don't even know where or how to find this guy. It's odd that his voice got louder as I neared the end of the dock. That would have to mean he was somewhere in the water. Maybe he's some guy who likes night surfing? But I didn't see anyone out there. None of this makes any sense.
I trek out to the beach, watching as people run by. Teenagers on vacation playing volleyball, kids building sand castles, and adults drinking and playing games. It's kinda busy today. Nevertheless, I continue my search, not really knowing who to look for. After about fifteen minutes of searching, I decide that this is stupid and I should just forget about it. After just a few minutes I'm already giving up. It seems like a good decision, giving that I have nothing to go off of besides a voice.

Weeks passed by. With nothing to look for, I didn't see a need in searching for this man. If fate wants us to meet, we will, but until then, all I can do is carry on with my life.

Three months after the incident, I went down to the beach, the sun setting in the sky, getting lower as the minutes passed. I walked down the dock, taking a seat at the end and dipping my feet in the water. The warm sea breeze blew through my hair. I closed my eyes, lying down on the dark, weather-beaten wood of the old dock. I couldn't help but think of that silky smooth voice of the mystery man I had long given up on finding. It's almost like I could hear it for real.
My eyes snapped open and I sat up. The same melodic voice singing the same somber melody. I blinked a few times, feeling misled become disoriented and hypnotized by the haunting harmony.
I leaned forward towards the water, my eyes staring into the deep blue ocean as I moved closer. Just before I could slip off the dock and into the water, someone emerged, grabbing onto my shoulders and pushing me back.

I gasped at the sudden appearance of an unfamiliar man. I blinked a few times, shaking my head, trying to snap back to reality. The singing had stopped. I looked down into the water and saw a man with golden tanned skin, large brown eyes and lengthy black hair that hung in his eyes.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm no one." He looked away.
"Where did you come from?"
"The water." He answered simply.
"Were you the one who was singing?" I questioned.
He nodded, seeming ashamed.
"Your voice is beautiful." I comment.
"No it's not." He scoffed.
I tilt my head in confusion.
"I should go. You're not even supposed to see me." He muttered. "Do yourself a favor and leave of you hear me singing again."
"Wait! What are you walking about?" I asked.
He stopped, looking up at me and raising a brow. "You haven't figured it out yet?"
I looked him over, the wheels in my head turning. My eyes looked down into the water.
I just don't understand what he means. Haven't figured out wha-
Is that... a tail?!
My mouth drops open. It hadn't even occurred to me that this man is swimming out here near the dock without a surfboard. No one swims out this far unless they're surfing.
"You're a merman?" I ask.
"Siren, actually." He muttered.
"That's why your voice was so..."
"Hypnotizing?" He finished.
I nod.
"Look, I'm sorry. I love to sing, but I only do it when I think no one is around. I don't want to lure people to their deaths. I just want to sing."
I frown. Poor guy.
"What's your name?" I ask.
"I'm Y/n." I reach my hand out.
He looks at it momentarily before reaching out and shaking it. "Nice to meet you."
"I have a question."
"Were you the one who helped me that day? You pushed me back to the dock, right?" I asked.
"I did."
"Thank you."
He gave a small shrug.
He seems to hate being the way he is. I can tell by the way he's acting.
"Hey." I speak up softly.
He looked up at me.
"Don't be so sad. I enjoyed hearing you sing."
"But you nearly drowned, twice." He pointed out.
"But I didn't."
"How can you say such a thing? You're talking about how nice my voice is but that's the thing that nearly ended your life. I'm a siren. I lure people to their deaths wether it's intentional or not." He kept his eyes lowered as he spoke.
"But you don't seem dangerous." I state. "You seem like a sweet guy."
His warm, brown eyes met with mine. He held eye contact with me for what seemed like a long time. I could see him searching my face for any sign of dishonesty.
"You mean that?" He asked.
I nod. "In fact, if you're okay with it, I'd like to continue to meet here. We could hang out and get to know each other and, you know, become friends."
"Friends?" His face lit up at the word. "I didn't think a human would want to be friends with a siren."
"Well, this human does." I point to myself with a smile.
"Thank you Y/n." He smiled in return.
"So, tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow." He nodded, giving me a small wave before he sunk down into the water. As he swam away, I could see midnight blue tail flash in the sunlight.

Taehyung. I have a feeling we'll become great friends.

I'm not fully satisfied with this, but I'm in such a rush to finish this book I'm publishing this imagine as is lol

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