Hoseok ♡ New Neighbor

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The apartment next to me has been empty for quite a while. It's nice though. I live on the front end of the apartment so I only have one neighbor to the left of me instead of one neighbor on each side. That's about to change though.
Today I heard some noises outside, so naturally I went to check it out. I looked out my window and saw a large moving truck parked outside the apartment building.

"Surely no one is moving in next to me." I thought.

I tried to see if I could find the person who is moving in the building. Everyone outside looks like workers. There's a car parked behind the moving truck but whoever drives it isn't out there.
Ah, whatever. It's not like I need to know anyway. I'm sure there are other apartments for rent in this building.
Suddenly I heard some noises next door. Heavy footsteps and large objects being set down and moved around. My eyes widened. Someone is moving in next door. Part of me really wants to go and see who it could be, but the other part of me wants to mind my own business. I was able to hold back for about ten minutes before I started peeking out into the hallway. So far all I've seen is movers bringing things into the apartment. No sign of my new neighbor.

I finally gave up, sighing and resting my back against the door. It's not super important that I know who my new neighbor is. I'm just curious. I really wanna know if it's a cute guy. Most of the time it's not a cute guy, but one can dream.

A couple days after the movers brought my new neighbor's belongings in, the new neighbor showed up. I wanted oh so badly to see who it was that had moved in, but every time I tried to catch them leaving their apartment they were already gone. I eventually gave up and assumed I'd never get to meet my new neighbor. One thing I'm thankful for is that they're not noisy at all.

Little did I know all that would soon change.

I laid on the couch and scrolled through my phone, totally zoned out. All of a sudden I heard the thumping of music next door followed by the sound of shoes hitting the floor.

"What the heck?"

I sat up on the couch and wondered what on earth could be going on over there. I tried to ignore the noises but it didn't work. I sighed and stood up. I guess I'll have to ask them to be a little more quiet.

I stepped out into the hallway and made my way up to my neighbor's door. I hesitantly brought my hand up and knocked on the door. No answer. They probably can't hear me over that loud music. I knocked again, louder this time. The music cut off and I heard the door being unlocked and opened.

"Hey I'm really sorry but-" I froze.

He's gorgeous.

"What were you saying?" He asked.
"O-Oh. Yeah um your music is kinda loud. I can hear it next door."
"I'm so sorry. I was practicing, I didn't mean to disturb you."
"Practicing? Do you dance?"
"Yeah I do."
"That's... really cool." I blushed.
"So, you're my neighbor?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Well, I'm Hoseok. I'm glad we finally got to meet." He said holding his hand out.
"I'm Y/n. I'm glad we got to meet too." I shook his hand. "If there's anything you need, I'll help out the best I can."
"Same here. Oh and if my music gets too loud, don't be afraid to tell me."
"Okay. Thank you."

I walked back to my apartment in awe. My neighbor is HOT.

The next few days were exactly the same. Hoseok continued to play his music loudly and I had to go kindly ask him to turn it down. He would always smile and apologize. He'd say to let him know when his music is getting too loud, as usual. Today was no different.

Hoseok is very attractive and believe me, I love going over and being able to see him for just a few seconds. But the loud music really is getting annoying.

I knocked on his door and he was very quick to answer.

"Hi, it's-"
"The music is too loud again?" He asked.
I nodded.
"I'm so sorry. I'll turn it down. But while you're here can I ask you something?"
"Uh, sure."
"My window is stuck. I can't seem to get it closed. Do you think you can help me out?" He asked.
"I'm not very strong, but I can try."
"Thank you so much Y/n." He beamed.

He led me into his apartment and took me over to the window in his living room. I grabbed the window and braced myself, preparing for it to not move at all. I started to push it down and nearly hurt myself. The window closed just fine.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asked frantically.
"Yeah. I was expecting it to be stuck, but it works just fine."
"Oh. I guess my window just hates me." He chuckled.
"Yeah. Okay well... let me know if you need anything else." I said and started to leave.
"Y-Y/n wait."

I stopped and turned around, gasping when Hoseok was right in front of me.
He looked really embarrassed like he was about to admit something shameful.

"I've been keeping my music loud on purpose. And you're right, the window works fine."
"What?" I asked furrowing my brows. "Why?"
"I needed an excuse to see you, even if you were telling me to turn my music down. I figured I'd eventually get the courage to ask you out."
"You what now?" I asked in disbelief. "A date?"
"Yeah." He blushed. "I'm sorry. Just forget it." He waved his hand in the air as if dismissing the subject.
"You have an odd way of getting a girl's attention." I chuckled. "I'd still be willing to go on a date with you."
"You would? Even after I purposefully annoyed you into coming over?"
"Yes. You're very cute so I can look past all that."

His whole face seemed to light up.

"When is the best time for you?" He asked.
"Tonight? Or is that too soon?"
"No tonight is great. How about 7:00?"
"That sounds perfect."

I quickly gave him a peck on the cheek and ran out of his apartment, leaving him a blushing mess.

Soft hours for Hoseok were open while I was writing this 😔🤙🏻

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