Taehyung ♡ Yearbook Club

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I grabbed my lunch and closed the door to my locker only to be met with the flash of a camera. I look over and see my best friend Taehyung giggling looking at the tiny screen.

"Tae!" I whine.

He holds the camera up ready to take another picture.

"No. Stop taking pictures of me when I'm not looking." I whined. "It's not funny."
"It is to me."
I sighed and headed down the hallway.
"You have no idea how many pictures I have on here." Taehyung snickered as he flicked through the photos he took.
"Tae." I frowned.
"Aw don't be so uptight Y/n." He said ruffling my hair.
We walked into the outdoor lunch are and sat down at one of the tables. Taehyung set the camera down and started unpacking his lunch.

"What did you bring today?" I asked him.
"Leftover pizza. What about you?"
"A sandwich and a couple oranges."
"What kind of sandwich?"
"Peanut butter and jelly."
"Nice. I have two slices of pizza." Taehyung said.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.
"Trade." We both said at the same time.

He gave me a slice of his pizza and I gave him an orange and half of my sandwich in return.
It's something we've been doing since middle school. Sometimes we share with each other if we have extra lunch and sometimes we trade altogether.
Throughout lunch we talked about funny things we saw on the internet or what tests we had coming up. Nothing new, really.

I sipped on my small juice box and wasn't paying attention when Taehyung's camera flashed.

"Y/n!" He mimicked.
"Stop that."
"Stop that."
I sighed and gathered my trash.
"Hey, I was just kidding cutie." He nudged me.
My eyes widened at the new nickname. A blush crept onto my cheeks. He never called me that before.
"Just... c'mon we're gonna be late for class." I grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the school.

At the end of the day Taehyung and I like to hang out in the hallway before we leave. Then we walk home together and sometimes go to each other's houses.

Taehyung sat across from me messing with his camera. He held it up ready to take a picture.

"Hey!" I held my hand up, shielding my face.
"No." Taehyung put my hand down. "I wanna take one of you looking at the camera."
I sighed and looked at the camera, smiling awkwardly. He snapped the picture, grinning like an idiot.

 He snapped the picture, grinning like an idiot

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"Why are you taking so many pictures?" I asked.
"It's for yearbook!"
"You sure are taking a lot of me."
"Well this is my camera so I can take pictures of whatever I want." He huffed cutely.

I looked down at my lap and started messing with the bracelet I was wearing. Taehyung is insanely adorable. I've always sorta liked him but here recently my feelings have gotten stronger. Him always taking pictures of me and calling me cutie isn't helping either.
Taehyung and I are currently walking home. I'm lost in my thoughts and not paying attention to anything.

"You okay? You were really zoned out just then."
"Yeah I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know." He shrugged. "You wanna come over?"
"Hmm. I don't know."
"We can work on that assignment together."
"What assignment? It's Friday we don't have any work to do."
"Uh. R-Right. Well then..."
He's usually not like this. He's usually silly and confident. Now suddenly he's a stuttering mess.
"Maybe I just want to spend time with you." He said looking away from me.
I couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped my lips.
"All you had to do was say so silly." I nudged him with my shoulder.
"Yeah. I knew that." He said.
"I'll come over."
He nodded, not saying anything.

We got to Tae's house and immediately went to his room. I saw a covered up canvas set up in the corner of his room, paints were scattered all over a small table beside the easel and all over the floor.

"Looks like you've been busy painting." I stated.
"Yeah. I've been really inspired lately."
"That's good. I know how it feels to hit a creativity wall."

I made my way over to the canvas.

"What are you working on?" I asked lifting up the sheet that covered the canvas.
"It's nothi-"

I had already uncovered the canvas before he could say anything. He had painted some sort of abstract art. There were faces and paint splatters all over the canvas.

"Taehyung this is so good."
"It is?" He asked, his adorable body smile making an appearance.
"Yes. I love this so much."
"I was actually painting it for you."
"You were?"
He nodded shyly.
I ran over and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you Tae! I love it so much."
"You're welcome." He smiled softly.

I pulled away keeping my arms wrapped around his waist. He looked down at me and pushed my hair away from my face. My heart started racing at the way he looked at me.

"Y/n you're so beautiful." He spoke softly, his voice low and smooth like velvet.
"I-I am?"

I mentally smacked myself for letting my two brain cells take control for a few seconds.

"Yes." He chuckled.
I girlish giggle escaped my lips. That made Taehyung laugh. He leaned in and placed a kiss on my forehead. I blinked a couple times before it processed.

"You dork, if you're gonna do it then do it right." I said grabbing his face and kissing him.

I could tell he was surprised at first, but he quickly snapped back to reality and kissed back. His hand found its way to the back of my neck allowing him to kiss me more passionately. He pulled away grinning.

"I love you so much."
"I love you too Taehyung."
"I feel like I should take you out on a proper date now that we've kissed."
"The date is supposed to come before the kiss." I chuckled.
"Yeah well we've known each other for years so I don't think it matters."
"Alright whatever."
"Let's go on our date now."
"Yeah!" He nodded.
"Okay." I shrugged.
"Yay! Let's go!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.
I've had this idea since I first started my BTS Imagines book and I'm just now writing it HAHA

Bonus picture of Tae uwu

Bonus picture of Tae uwu

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