Taehyung ♡ Fairy

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I was out in my garden pulling weeds. The sun was beating down on me, sweat beading up on my forehead. I brought an arm up to wipe the perspiration away and continued pulling the weeds. I have a small flower garden that doesn't require too much care. It's perfect for me, but today the sun is so hot. The heat is bearing down on me, showing no mercy.
I pulled the last of the weeds and let out an exhausted huff. I stopped when I saw what appeared to be a small man. He had large brilliant fairy wings, with a beautiful blue hue as he sun reflected off them. He was curled up under a plant holding onto his wrist. His wing appeared to be a bit crooked and his knees were scraped up pretty bad.

"Oh my." I gasped softly, placing my hand over my mouth.
The fairy looked up at me, startled by my presence.
"No no no it's okay, I won't hurt you. I can help you." I said as calmly as I could.
He looked at me, uncertainty clear on his features.
"It's okay."  I slowly held my palm out towards him. "I promise I won't hurt you."
He started to stand up, but stumbled. I quickly brought my other hand over to him and held my finger out, helping to hold him up. He grabbed onto my finger and slowly made his way onto the palm of my hand. I carefully held the fairy in my hand as I stood up, bringing my hand closer to me.

"I'll take you inside and see what I can do. Don't worry." I reassured him.

I took him into the house and to the bathroom. I set him on the counter and started rummaging through the cabinet for the first aid kit. I pulled out the little case and opened it, pulling out the ointment and bandaids.

"Ah. I didn't think about this." I looked at the bandage, then at the small fairy sitting on the sink. "Maybe I can use some cloth bandages and cut it down really small?"
"It'll be okay. I have a solution, hold on."

He flew off the sink and into the air, large sparkles surrounded his small body. I watched in awe, wondering what he was doing. Next thing I know the small fairy stood over me. I blinked a few times, not quite processing what just happened.

"Is that better?" He asked.
"Uh... y-yeah." I nodded.

I began fumbling around with the ointment and bandaids.

"You can have a seat on the toilet." I pointed.
He nodded and took a seat. I sat down in front of him and applied ointment on his knees. I grabbed one of the large square shaped bandaids and placed it on his knee.

He winced a little, to which I quickly apologized.

I put ointment on his other knee and placed a bandaid on it.

"What about your wrist?" I asked.
"It just hurts." He said.
"I'll get an ice pack for it. How about your wing?"
"Ah." He looked over at his wing. "Do you think you could... try to fix it?"
"Yes I can try."

I reached out towards his fairy wing and carefully started to straighten it out. He bit his lip and winced.

"I'm sorry." I muttered as I continued to fix his wing. Once it was all straightened out I stepped back. "Okay all better."
He fluttered his wings a little, looking back at them.
"Feels better." He smiled.
"Good, now let's go get an ice pack for your wrist. Follow me."

I took him into the kitchen and looked through the freezer before pulling out an ice pack.
I walked into the living room and motioned for the fairy to sit on the couch. He took a seat and I placed the ice pack on his wrist. He shivered a little at the cold, but seemed alright. I sat down next to him examining his features. He's beautiful. He has the most pretty eyelashes I've ever seen, his nose his adorable and his cheeks cutely resemble bread.

"I'm Taehyung by the way." He spoke up suddenly.
I smiled, happy that he felt comfortable enough to introduce himself to me.
"I'm Y/n."
"Thank you for helping me Y/n."
"No problem. I saw you were hurt and wanted to help. I couldn't just leave you."
"I appreciate it. Most people would trap me in a cage and show me off."
I gasped quietly.
"No one has done that to me, but I've heard stories."
"Thank goodness you ended up here and not with some bad person."
"Yeah... thank goodness." He smiled softly.
"Listen, you're gonna need a place to stay until you heal. I have a spare bedroom if you want to use it."
"You're offering to let me stay here?" He asked.
I nodded.
"But I have a place in that tree above your flower garden."
"You live in that tree?"
"Regardless, I need to keep an eye on you and I can do it much better if you're in my house."
"I see your point... but what if I become a nuisance." He asked.
"You won't become a nuisance."
"Alright. I'll stay here."
"Yes! Thank you."

I was happy that Taehyung finally agreed to stay. I didn't want him going out on his own while he's injured.

"Do you want to change into something more comfortable?" I asked. "I might have some men's clothes you can wear."
"No thank you. I got it." He said. He snapped his fingers and his ruffly shirt and dress pants were replaced with a pair or basketball shorts and an oversized T-shirt.
"Woah." I gaped.
"Cool isn't it?" He asked grinning widely.
"That's the coolest thing I've ever seen. What else can you do?"
"Well I can fly, obviously and I can use some magic like I did just now."
"That's awesome."

Taehyung seemed to get a little shy at all the attention he was getting. His cheeks began to turn pink.

"Hey can we watch a movie or something?" He asked, changing the subject.
"Huh? How do you know what movies are?"
"It's not like I don't know anything about humans." Taehyung said.
"Okay, we can watch a movie. Come on." I beckoned him to the living room.

He took a seat on the couch and watched the blank tv with excited eyes. I chuckled at his cute child-like behavior as I turned the tv on. I went straight to Netflix and started scrolling through the movies.

"What genre did you have in mind?" I asked Taehyung.
"Romance!" He beamed.
"Okay." I started scrolling through the romance movies.
"Ooh! That one!"

I stopped on the movie he wanted and selected it. It's one I haven't seen before. I made myself comfortable as the movie started to play. Taehyung grabbed one of the pillows on the couch and hugged it as he watched the screen.

We had been watching the movie for almost an hour when the girl and the guy finally admitted their feelings for each other. I'll admit it was a really good movie so far, it definitely made my heart flutter.
Taehyung leaned forward with anticipation as the couple started to move closer to each other. The guy lifted his hand to brush a strand of hair out the girl's face.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered.
Her face turned pink and she looked away. The boy used his finger to tilt her face up to look at him. Then, slowly he leaned in and they kissed.

All the while, Taehyung is on the edge of his seat, watching with wide eyes as the couple kissed.

"I didn't know that's how you did it." He said.
"How you kiss. I've never seen anyone kiss like that in my world."
"Oh, I don't think anyone actually kisses like that. It's dramatized in the movies."
"No one kisses like that?" He asked seeming disappointed.
"No. They only kiss like that in movies and fan fiction."
"Hm." He sat looking rather glum. His bottom lip stuck out in a small pout.
I looked away from his cute face and back at the tv.

"Can we try that?" He piped up suddenly.
"Try what?"
"That!" He pointed at the tv.
"The kiss?"
He nodded.
"I don't know Taehyung. We barely know each other."
"But I feel like I've known you forever." He frowned.

Oh my gosh stop being so cute. He's making it so hard to say no.

"Okay fine. Well try... the kiss."
"Yay!" He cheered and turned to face me.
I let out a deep sigh and faced him. He scooted closer until we were a few inches away.
"Okay so... he did this." Taehyung reached up brushing my hair away even though it wasn't in my face.
The action made my blush and I instinctively looked away.
"Y/n you're doing so good!" He said happily.
"Shut up." I covered my face.
I felt Taehyung's warm hand grasp mine, pulling it away.

The guy in the movie didn't do that.

I still wouldn't look at Taehyung, not because I was trying to reenact the scene in the film, but because I was flustered as heck.
He used his finger to tilt my face back towards him.
"Then..." He purred as he leaned closer.
I could feel my face getting hotter as Taehyung neared my lips.
"He did..." He started tilting his head. "This."
Taehyung's lips met mine, the feeling sending a shock through my body. My eyes closed on their own as I kissed back. His hand moved to the back of my neck, pulling us closer together. It's weird kissing someone I just met, but for some reason I could care less.
We pulled away from each other, both of us in a haze.

"I think I want to kiss you like that more often." Taehyung grinned.

Hdjdjsjsksk things got a little saucy at the end oops

I wanted to write some Halloween imagines BUT HALLOWEEN IS IN LESS THAN A WEEK. I haven't gotten around to writing anything 😭
Imagines I started writing when I took a break still aren't finished either o o f

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