Reuniting - Jacob Seed X Female Reader

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This was a story idea from TheOtakuPotato i hope everyone likes it and if you have any other story ideas that you'd like me to write, don't hesitate to send them to me

Note: Different timeframe; Jacob Seed is 47 years old after the collapse which means the collapse happened when he was 40 years old instead.

Warnings: Mention of suicide attempt

You and Jacob were sitting in the office, talking amongst yourself when suddenly alarms started to go off. You heard Joseph's voice on the radio, screaming and urging everyone to get to the closest bunker. The collapse had begun. Jacob grabbed your hand and you both ran out into the courtyard of the Veterans Centre.

"Pup, stay right here" Jacob ordered and you nodded while watching him run back inside the building.

Jacob came running out of the building shortly after and panicked when he couldn't see you. He thought that maybe you had already gone to his bunker so he wasted no time in jumping into his truck and driving to the bunker. When he finally arrived, Jacob ran into the bunker with hopes that you'd be waiting for him but when he looked everywhere for you, he started panicking even more.

"Where's Y/N?" Jacob asked one of his men. "We're not sure sir, the last time we saw her was at the Centre waiting for you" the man replied. Jacob looked at the man with wide eyes, "SHIT" he screamed and started running up the stairs to the top of the bunker. "I left her at the Centre" he informed his men. He opened the bunker door and was about to run to his truck when all of a sudden, there was a huge explosion. Jacob and three of his men watched as the nuclear smoke formed into a huge cloud in the distance. The ground under their feet started shaking and the three hunters started to drag Jacob back inside the bunker.

"No, let me go. My girlfriend is still waiting for me at the Veterans Centre. She's going to die" Jacob yelled at his men, begging them to let him go. "Sir, I'm sorry but we can't let you go. We have to go in before that nuclear smoke comes our way" one of the hunters said. They dragged Jacob successfully back into the bunker and shut the door, once and for all. "We're so sorry sir. Y/N was a great girl" the other hunter said, looking down at the ground sadly. Jacob stared at the shut bunker door, tears rolling out of his eyes, "I'm sorry pup. I couldn't protect you".


Jacob opened his eyes and looked up at the roof of the his room in the bunker. Tears had formed in the corner of his eyes. He had that same very dream for the last seven years. He loved his girlfriend so much and hated the thought of the possibility that he'd never see her again. Jacob believed she had died because of him, because he left her at the Veterans Centre when he didn't see her at the door waiting for him. Since then he thought that maybe she had gone back into the building to search for him and didn't realise that he had left. He lived with guilt for seven years. There were days when Jacob couldn't live with it anymore and attempted to take his own life as well but when it came to pulling the trigger of the gun he put against his head, he couldn't do it. He didn't want his brothers to live with the pain of losing him because he knew how that felt.

The knock on the door pulled him back out of his thoughts. "Come" Jacob screamed out and watched as the door opened. "Good morning sir. The Father just radioed in and said that we can finally leave the bunkers. The Collapse is officially over" the man informed him. Jacob sat up and nodded at the man, dismissing him shortly after. "I was suppose to walk out of here with you Y/N and our children. Now I'm walking out of this bunker all on my own and with the thought of not knowing if you are dead or alive" Jacob spoke to himself.

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