His First Quirk, Or Should I Say Second

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Deku's Pov

It's taking me 2 years, but I've managed to master my quirk; practicing every day after school alone and during the summer while my mom was gone. I grab my phone and text Sensei.
"Its done" I text him. He then calls me. I pick up and put it to my ear.
"Hi, Deku! Its time isn't it, Let it go then!" is all he says before hanging up.

"Dinner is done Izuku!" I can hear my mother yell, perfect. I go out to the dining room and sit down. We thank for the food then start eating, talking about each others day.

"And that's why happened to me today," She says. That's when there's a knock at the door.

"They're here!" I say as I get out of my seat and run to the door.

"Izuku! Who is here?!" my mother yelled at me. I open the door and I see Kuro and Tomura-kun there. I walk back to the dining room, the others following me. I walk into the room, looking down. I come to stand in front of my mother as she falls off her chair as the others come into the room.

"Izuku, what's happening?" she says, looking at me with confusion and looking at the 2 men with fear.

"I'm sorry mother, but you have to die,"I say as I look at her, with my eyes wide open. I get the feeling of getting something from her. this must be what it feels like to actually take a quirk instantly. She screams at me.

"What did you do with my son?! He would never kill someone.!" She says to me. I laugh.

"Oh mom, I'm still your son, but I'm not the one killing you, that's for them to do," I say as I point at Tomura-kun. I step away from her and turn around, still not wanting to see my mother be killed. I can hear her scream and then nothing from her.

I turn around and see a pile of ashes on the floor. I laugh at finally getting the opportunity to live with Sensai and Tomura-kun. I turn back around and face the others.

"I plan to stage this as a villain murder, I'm going to play as the quirkless Izuku, You guys can go back home, Sensei probably has a gift for your great work," I tell them. Kuro opens a gate and Tomura-kun walks through and they both disappear.

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