Part 2 of Deku's Plan! (+EXTRA)

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5 months later.

Every day for the past 5 months, I've stolen peoples quirks. That's 153 new quirks. They range from useless, just to get my name out there, or strong, to protect myself. Out of the 155 quirks I have, only about 10 of them are from heroes, the strongest one being Foldabody, from the hero Egdeshot. It lets me get out of a crime scene quicker and untraceable. It made everything easier, but having so many quirks damaged my sanity, with the last few victims almost died.

It's time for the second phase of my plan. After running it through Sensei and Kuro, I get a green light to go through with my plan. I got invited to a small get together for Shoto's 9th birthday since his father won't throws him a party.

I use a teleporting quirk to get near the Todoroki household. I walk up to the door and knock on it. I can hear footsteps and Shoto opens the door. I walk into the hose and take my shoes off. I step into the house and Shoto drags me to a room filled with people, mainly heroes and friends of endeavor.

After spending some time with them, I drag Shoto out and to a nearby room to give him my gift. I hand him the box and he tears it open. Inside the box are another origami swan and a note saying ' Go put the swan in your room and get your stuff together, I told I would take you away from here on your birthday, but remember, don't tell your father!'

He hugs me and thanks me, running off to go and grab his stuff. I stand there for a good minute before following, hoping to catch Endeavor on the way to Shoto's room.

My hope was correct with endeavor showing up.

"You must be Shoto's dad, I'm his friend Deku. He went to put my gift in his room and hasn't come back yet, can you show me where his room is so I can talk to him?" I ask of him. He nods and says "Follow me"I follow him to Shoto's room.

"Thank you!" I say before knocking on the door. Shoto comes and opens the door seeing me there alone. I walk into his room and he closes the door behind me.

"I got my stuff Deku, is it time to go?" Shoto asks. I nod and take a piece of paper, a note for Endeavor, and grab Shoto's hand. I use a teleporting quirk and we leave, heading to the bar and Shoto saying goodbye to that place forever.


Fuyumi Pov (His older sister)

I walk into Shoto's room, knowing that the last place father has seen him. This is the only times I get to see him. The room looks normal but with a few pieces of clothing removed. There is also a note on the bed. I walk over to the bed and pick up the note and read it.

'Dear Endeavor, or whoever reads this,

You should never have abused your own son, cause now he is gone because of your mistakes. You won't be seeing him for some time, so have fun with the memories you made.

-Quirkless the Quirk stealer.'

I just pick up the note and head toward father and the others. I walk into the room and everyone looks at me.

"This is my daughter Fuyumi, One of my oldest and my only Daughter," Father says. Everyone says hi and then the room goes silent, everyone waiting for me to speak. What I say isn't expected by anyone.

"Father, is this true?" I ask of him, handing him the note. He reads it before running off with the note in his hand. The others look at me for an explanation.

"The note said that Shoto is gone," I tell them, they look at each other with worry and concern. I go back to what I was doing, knowing that I shouldn't get involved.

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