Oh... We didn't Know

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Deku's Pov

I wake up with Shouto on my left, All Might on my right, Midnight, recovery girl, Aizawa, and Nezu at the foot of my bed. I lean myself up and stare at them. Everyone stares at me in awkward silence. That is until Aizawa breaks it.

"Midoriya, can you explain to us what happened yesterday during Hero Foundations 101?" He asks of me. I recall in my mind what happened. Everything is clear until Kirishima appears, and then, nothing.

" I remember Shouto and I placed the fake bomb. I then headed down to the 3rd floor and waited while Shouto stayed on the 4th with the bomb. I waited until I hear Kirishima step and went to face him. After that, everything is blurry for a few moments, I can make out Kirishima on the floor. After that, nothing" I tell him. I turn my head towards Shouto, asking for an explanation. He looks at the teachers before turning back to me.

"You attacked Kirishima with a knife, getting multiple scratches and one deep wound. You then put a Chemical that disables quirks into his blood and capturing him. Kasuki then set off an explosion on the 2nd floor and you came running back to me. I iced the entire building, which shorted the cameras. All might had called for the end of the simulation. All Might had tried to come, but since you had switched and was too far gone for even my help, I told him to get midnight. Kasuki attacked you from behind and you stabbed him in the shoulder. I sent him off to get Kirishima and you started to attack me, calling me Hell ice and a traitor. I used my ice to go out of a window. You grew wings and flew after me. but then you suddenly stopped. Your wings disappeared and you passed out. I caught you and brought you here." Shouto tells me. It is a lot to process. I can't believe I did that.

I look at my feet start to cry. Shouto hugs me and I lean into him.

"I'm sorry," I say to everyone. I can't believe I almost ruined that plan. I can't do that yet. It would ruin the ending. Nezu climbs onto my bed and hugs me too. After letting go and me wiping the tears from my eyes, he gives me an offer.

"As principal, I wish to give you another chance. If you attend daily therapy sessions, I will allow you to join class again. If not, you will be suspended until you can control your other personality. Yes, this may seem out of hand, but I wish to protect that safety of all of the students on this school." He says. I look at Shouto. If the Leauge is going to attack next Monday, then I need to be gone, we both need to be. I turn back to Nezu.

"I accept, but both I and Shouto do have unavoidable plans next Monday so we will have to miss school," I tell him.

"I will start scheduling the therapy, and I will also take note of that," He says. Everyone except Shouto leaves and Recovery Girl unties me. I Sit up fully and Shouto hands me my uniform. He leaves me and I get changed. When I step out he helps me with my tie, like always.

I grab his hand and we head to class. It is near the end of the day, having slept for over 24 hours. When I get there Shouto heads into the class and takes his seat while I make an entrance, teleporting into the room.

"GUESS WHO'S NOT DEAD?!" I yell out while doing so. Everyone except Aizawa and Shouto, who expected it. They run and hug me in one big group hug, tackling me to the floor.

Once everyone gets off of me I look at Aizawa, wondering if he will give me a chance to explain. He nods and sends them to their seats. Everyone, once seated, waited for me. I take a deep breath.

"So, When I was younger, at the age of seven, I was kidnapped by the same villains that killed my mother. They held me there for 6 months. Shouto was also kidnapped by them, one month before we were let go. we were dropped off at a Police station, where Kacchan's mother, Aunt Misuki, came to get us. Shouto's father tried to take him home but was arrested due to reasons I think Shouto should tell you. We live with Kacchan now and have been for 6 years. Because of that experience, I have developed Dissociative Identity Disorder, I have 2 separate personalities. My normal personality is the one you will normally see. my other one, I call Deku, is a cold-blooded killer. That is why Shouto told all might not come. Deku's main target seems to be All Might, and he will kill anyone in his way. There are things that can trigger it, like footsteps down a hallway while I am alone, explosions, and someone chasing me. The only person that seems to revert me back it Shouto, But if I am too far gone, like the other day, someone needs to knock me out. The easist way to tell if i have switch too far is that my eyes go a deep shade of red. If they have some geen in them, get shouto, if not, knock me out." I tell them.

They stare at me, processing the information. Their faces change as it processes it. Kaminari opens his mouth to ask a question but I start talking again.

"I stay close to Shouto at all times, just in case of anything. To help with it though, I now am going to daily therapy during lunches." I tell them. I sit down and let Aizawa talk.

"Next Monday, we will be doing rescue classes at the USJ. Shouto, Midoriya, you are excused for that due to plans that we have discussed." He tells the class, which breaks out in murmurs over the news. He then sends us on our way.


When we get home Shouto and I head to our room and get changed, heading over to the Bar for the weekly meetup. I teleport us there.

"Welcome Midoriya, Todoroki," Sensei says through the TV. Kuro is behind the bar, Tomura-Kun is sitting at a stool, Dabi next to him. Around the room is all of the villains who have major parts in the USJ attack.

"Hello Shingaraki, it is confirmed that Eraserhead and Thirteen will be there, and depending on how many fights All Might gets into that morning he may or may not be there. Kuro, if you can spread the students based on my information and their quirks, we can destroy them easier. I can use my hacking skills to broadcast the death of U.A." I say to the room. we spend an hour or 2 planning the attack. Since today was Friday, we have no school for the weekend. When the meeting is over, we head home, cuddling up to each other and falling asleep.

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