Phone Call with Who?

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Deku's Pov.

It's been weeks since the attack at the USJ, and everything is going smoothly. Everyone is healed and classes are back to normal. Next week is the sports festival. Everyone in the class is excited. I've been working with Shouto and Kacchan to train just for this.

"Shouto can I talk with you in private?" I ask once class ends. He nods and we gather our things. I grab his hand, kissing him on the cheek and dragging him to the roof. Right at noon, during lunch, my phone rings. I pick it up.

"Is this Quirkless?" the man asks someone I met through All Might. I put the man on speaker.

"Hello, Suiter you are now speaking to Hell Ice, my partner, and I," I say. Suiter is the nickname he goes by because of his contact with All Might.

"I have been with countless villains to design the perfect costume. An example of one is All Might's first costume. I wish to design you villains costumes to optimize your quirks, I also wish to know some information on All Might" He tells us. With the plans for the Sports Festival, we know when to meet him.

"During the award ceremony for the first-years in U.A.'s Sports Festival, we will be revealed, and come straight to you, at the entrance. Both of us will be in our current outfits. Mind it that this is seriously hurting to All Might since he made the wrong decision to choose me as his successor." I tell him. i can hear him writing down the information i give him.

"See you then, Quirkless and Hell Ice," he says before hanging up. With lunch almost over, and the sports festival in 2 days, we head back to class, actually focusing on class and training for the Sports Festival.

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