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Deku's Pov

We end up in the bar, with Kuro behind the bar, Tomura-kun sitting on a stool and sensei sitting next to him, chatting with him. I run up and hug sensei, dragging shoto with me. He lets go of me and looks at shoto.

"You must be Deku's friend Shoto, I'm Sensei," he says to Shoto. after they shake hands i drag shoto to my room, well our room now. there are now 2 beds and a few shelves for different purposes. I show shoto around the room and everything. we sit there and talk afterward, only being stopped by dinner and when its time to get ready for bed. I get into bed when shoto just stands there. I lean up and ask him whats wrong. He looks at me.

"can I sleep with you Deku?" he asks shyly. I just nod and he climbs into my bed. We fall asleep next to each other,


Kuro's Pov

I go and check on Deku and the Todoroki boy. when i open the door to check on them, and see them cuddleing, i just snap a photo and walk away, knowing that that photo is gonna be the cutist photo ever.

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