Who knew, that HE would do this

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Deku's Pov.

I walk down to the basement, following Shouto to the podium. I see Kacchan standing on his spot and Tokoyami on his. Shouto uses his ice to kill the staff and capture the students. Kacchan tries to use his explosions but he can't since I took both of their quirks. A warp opens up; Dabi, Toga and a disposable minion of the LoV, walk out of it.

I put my knife on Kacchans neck, Dabi with his brother and Toga with Tokoyami on the podium. I grab a mic and turn it on. The disposable villain turns on the podium and we start heading up. I stare at Kacchan so nobody can recognize me. Light blares in from the sky above as we move up.

"If any hero uses their quirk I will not hesitate to kill this student," I say as I press my knife into Kacchans neck harder, drawing blood. With me finally not holding back, I don't even have to touch someone to take their quirk, but can still control the time it takes to take it, that is how none of the students with us can defeat us. I am wearing my quirkless outfit.

"Hello hero's My name is Quirkless, yes it has been a few years, and if anyone moves I will kill him." I turn around and face class 1-a and Aizawa.

"You all decided to trust me, you all in 1-a, even you Kacchan and I am ashamed," I say. I pull off my eye guard and they all gasp.

"Kacchan, I'm sorry for lying about my Disorder, but it wasn't true. Just a cover-up" I say. I look over at Dabi and he nods. He gets off of Shouto and he walks over to my left, taking the knife for me and I head to Shouto.

" You all thought wrong, but Kacchan did get one thing correct" I lift Shouto up and kiss him, knowing that everyone is watching. Knowing that all of 1-A knows about our relationship. We break apart after a few seconds.

"The thing that Kacchan got correct is the fact the Shouto is the son of Enji Todoroki, also known as Endeavor. The used to be pro hero that is serving a life sentence for abusing his youngest son, and neglecting his others, one if which became a villain! Hi Dabi, or should I say Touya Todoroki!" I say, introducing Dabi. I look towards the top of the stadium and I see a silhouette, All Might.

"All might I know you are up there, how about you come to meet me face to face," I say. All might jump down. Midnight tries to use this a cover to move but I notice her.

"Ah Ah Ah, I told you hero's not to move, and I'm sorry, not sorry but Tokoyami is going first," I say. Toga stabs Tokoyami in the head, killing him instantly. I let dark shadow out and I sigh. I took the quirks from Kacchan and Tokoyami so they wouldn't fight back.

" He was so strong too if only he was a villain." I pull dark shadow back in. Multiple warps open, from one, comes a few Nomus, and from the other is Tomura-san, Kuro, Twice, and the best one, Sensei. He walks over to both of us and I use a fashion quirk to change Shouto's outfit to his villain outfit.

"Sorry All Might, Toshi, but Hell Ice and I need to go, have fun dealing with All for One," I say before dragging Shouto through a warp, all might steaming as we leave, and to a city in the middle of the ocean. Suiter, who is actually a scientist, greets us and tells us his name, and how is his research on All Might's quirk has been going since meeting him back before he debuted in Japan.

His name is D A V I D S H E I L D.

This Book Has A Sequel In the Works on Ao3. Once it is done on there ill upload it there but here is the Title

Traitors Hidden in Plain Sight

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