Sorry, Kacchan, But I Prefer Sensei

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I huddle myself in a corner and call Kacchan. It takes a few moments but he picked up.

"What do you want you, idiot?"He says. I start crying hard and blubbering mess. That gets his attention and I can hear him try to calm me down. When it doesn't work, I can hear his mothers voice.

"Izuku, calm down for me." I hear her say. I calm myself down and silently cry.

"Izuku, what happened? Why are you calling so late at night?" She asks of me.

"M-My mom, s-she was a-attacked by v-villains!"I say before crying again. I can hear her gasp and I silently giggle to myself.

"Izuku, stay where you are, we are coming!"She says hanging up. I giggle and text Kuro and tell them to open a warp gate in 20 minutes below where I am.

I sit there and continue to fake cry until Kacchan and his Mother walk in. I stay in my corner as I just point to the pile of ashes. I Kacchan lays a hand on my shoulder as she calls the police.

And then, right on time. Right at Kacchan hand leaves my shoulder and his mother is looking at me, Kuro opens a warp below me. I scream as I fall through and I hear both of them yell out my name and Deku. I hit the floor of the bar and Kuro closes the gate

"It Worked!" I say to them while still on the floor. I get off of the floor and hear Sensai on the screen of the tv.

"Congrats Deku, do you want your gift now?" Sensai tells me. Yes, I yell out.

"It's in your room," He says as I run off to the back room. When I get there I see a present box on my bed. I walk over to it and open it. Inside the box are an eye guard, a set of clothes, and a notebook. On the front, it says Hero analysis/Quirk collection. Its meant for me to write my thought on heroes and all the quirks I've collected. The eye guard is a dark green, easy to blend into the dark. I get changed into the clothes. A white dress shirt with a dark green vest. Black dress pants and black shoes. Also a green tie, the same color as my vest. I put on the eye guard and go back out to the bar. Both Kuro and Tomura-kun whistle at me.

"You look amazing Deku!" Sensai says and I thank him, knowing that he can see us but we can't see him. I head back into my room and take off the eye guard and go to bed, it being that it is still late at night and I need sleep.

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