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Deku's Pov

Shouto and I set the fake bomb on the 4th floor, in the south left corner of the building, farthest from the stairs. Right before I head to my position he kisses me. we break apart and he leans to my ear.

"Go, loose but not overboard, we don't want anyone finding out the truth," He says. I smile into my Quirkless identity and head to the 3rd floor. We head all might yell start into the communications and I use the echolocation quirk to watch where they are going. When Kirishima enters the 3rd floor I stand up, walking towards him. He hears my footsteps and turns to face me. He starts to turn his skin hard when I talk.

"Oh Kirishima, if you even knew what you were getting into right now," I say, summoning a knife from my waist. I grab a glass object with a red substance inside, a recreation of the blood in the quirk-nullifying bullets but it wears off after a few hours.

Kirishima runs at me with a right hook. I dodge, getting a nick in on his shoulder. He crouches and holds his shoulder. He runs at me again, not giving up. I dodge again and break the chemical open and into the wound. Kirishima step falters and he falls to the ground. He sits there and tries again and again to activate his quirk. Everyone in the observation room watches in shock. He looks at me.

"What was that Izuku?" He asks of me. I laugh and walk over to in front of him and crouch down. I press a button to turn off the mic in both of our headsets.

"That, Kirishima, is a chemical I have been working for neutralizing villains. It is a quirk disabler. Once in the bloodstream, the target is unable to use their quirk, but don't worry after 3 to 4 hours of rest it is fully gone from the body and you should be able to use your again. I have tested it and it doesn't leave any permanent or temporary damage. Constant use may have some effects but I don't play on using it on you anymore. Have fun." I tell him. I wrap his hands in the capture tape and turn out communicators back on.

"Kirishima is captured" I hear all might say. I can hear an explosion and I run back up to the 4th floor, back to Shouto.

I reach Shouto when Shouto yells out for me to jump. I do so and Shouto's ice covers the entire buildings, short-circuiting the camera.

"Young Midoriya, Young Todoroki, Young Bakugo. The camera and I am calling an end to this simulation" All might say. I look back at Shouto and he knows and I am too far deep to come back without being knocked out.

All Might's Pov.

Young Todoroki starts to talk to me. His voice is in concern for me.

"All Might! Do not come! Izuku has 2 personalities and is too far gone for even my help. If he sees you, he will not hesitate to kill you, Do Not Come! Just get midnight a-" His voice cuts off with a scream in the background.

"Kasuki!" Shouto screams before cutting off. I turn around and leave the room, leaving Iida on watch while I head towards the school. Currently, Midnight is teaching. I go run through the school and but into her class, stealing her and heading back outside.

"Young Midoriya, a student in my class, is currently not in his right side and needs to be calmed down. But I was told by his best friend that if I show up he will not hesitate to kill me, so I am enlisting your help." I tell her. We both run back to ground Beta.

Deku's pov.

My mind turns. I've gone too far. I can see Shouto talking into the communicators. Kacchan comes at me from behind. I teleport behind him and stab him in the back. He screams out in pain. Shouto traps me in ice and covers my senses. He tells Kacchan something and he runs off, probably grabbing Kirishima on his way out.

Shouto faces me and I face him. Forgetting that All Might and the class are still listening to us, I talk.

"Oh Hell Ice, Why did you stop me? We worked so well together!" I say. I can hear a gasp over the coms.

"Izuku stops this, I'm not Hell Ice, I only have ice, not fire and ice!" Shouso says. A pink gas starts to flow out through the cracks in the door. I run at Shouto and he flies out of the window, using his ice to direct his movement and runs off. I grow wings and fly after him. I catch all might and midnight out of the corner of my eye. I stop flying after Shouto and I hover there. I stare at the sky.

'Stealth Mission, Do not get caught' My mind reminds me. I'm not supposed to do this. My wings disappear and I fall. I do not bother trying to slow myself down, knowing that Shouto wouldn't risk the mission.

I get caught my arms that are freezing cold. Shouto. Shouto pulls off my mask, knowing that midnights gas wouldn't work with it on. I inhale some of Midnight's gas and I pass out in Shouto's arms.

Shouto's Pov.

I lift Izuku and walk back to the main building with midnight, Kasuki with Kirishima following us. Midnight brings us to Recovery girl.

"Oh dear lay him on a bed," She says to me. I lay Izuku gown and I pull up a chair. Midnight puts a blanket on me to warm me up from the overuse of my quirk. Kasuki lays Kirishima on a bed and heads to his own. Recovery Girl tends to his stab wound first, using her quirk and wrapping it. She tends to Kirishima next, doing the same thing with him as she did with Kasuki. She leaves Izuku to sleep. I kiss his hand and leave him. I walk out of the room and go to grab his uniform. I grab Kirishima and Kasuki's as well and bring them back to the infirmary. I leave their respected uniforms next to them and head off to change as well.

Once I am done with that I head back home. I sit silently on the train. When my stop was called out. I get off and walk home. Once I get to the house I head inside, taking off my shoes. Aunt Misuki leans out of the kitchen and only sees me. I follow her to the kitchen and sit own.

"Were is Kasuki and Izuku?" she asks of me.

"We did villain vs Hero simulations today. It was me and Izuku against Kasuki and a kid named Kirishima. Izuku ended up incapacitating Kirishima and stabbing Kasuki in the back. He was knocked out and is now laying in the infirmary under restraint and kasuki is being kept in the infirmary overnight because of recovery girl." I Explain to her. She just goes back to cooking. I head to my room and pull out my phone. I open the texting app text Dabi.

'Izuku infirmary overnight'

'Will repost to Shingaraki. You ok?'

'Not injured'


I put my phone down and get into some pajamas, passing out from the days events.


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