Overhaul, Results, Dabi, and Relationships? Wow!

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Deku's Pov

We walk into an infirmary style room at the bar. I lay down the man I have and Overhaul lays down the other one. The doctor kicks us out as he works on them, so I lead Overhaul to the bar to meet Kuro-san and the others. I down on one of the stools. Overhauls takes a seat to my left and Shouto to my right. I turn and face Overhaul, facing my back to Shouto.

"So, What exactly are those bullets you like to talk about?" I ask of him. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun. This sets Kuro into protective mode, ready to protect Shouto and me. All he does is take out the magazine and lay the gun on the counter. He pulls out a bullet and hands it to me.

"We have someone on our team with a time reversal quirk. They can rewind individual time. Most of the time use it to rewind body's to remove injuries. With the help of scientists and them, we have added their quirk to these bullets, using algorithms to get around the time of quirk development. This halts their quirk development while simultaneously blocking it, so they are basically quirkless. The effect wears off after some time but that is being proven as we use them" Overhaul says. I inspect the bullet. It looks like a regular 9mm bullet. I use a quirk to look at the inner workings of the bullet. It looks like a standard 9mm but there is a glass object inside with red inside of it. I believe that the liquid inside the quirk-user's blood and the glass around it probably breaks upon impact with an object after launch. The top is made of a material that breaks upon impact so that the blood can get inside another person. I cancel my quirk and hand the bullet back to overhaul.

"Well Overhaul, we have to get going. But can I have your number, so I can get in contact with you later, you would probably be of use for our plan." I ask of him while holding out my phone. He takes it out of my hand. He puts his number and hands it back to me. I grab Shouto and teleport him to what I like to call Garbage Beach. I use a fashion quirk to change out of our outfits and a cleaning one to clean them. I teleport them back to their hiding place in our house.

Shouto and I climb onto a fridge and sit next to each other, watching the sunrise. Shouto, after some time, falls asleep. Three to four hours later I can hear a car pull up behind us and someone get out.

"IZUKU!" Kacchan yells out. I whip my head around and find Kacchan running at us. I wake Shouto and we both dive in opposite ways as Kacchan propels himself up at us with his quirk. He flies over the fridge and hits a dishwasher. I run down the beach, Shouto covering himself in ice. Kacchan comes after me and I run, avoiding objects in my way. My mind switches into Quirkless mode as I reach the clean beach.

Shouto's Pov.

I dive to the side and instinctively cover myself with ice. The explosion gets quieter and quieter until they are gone. I release the dome and run to the car. I open the door and get inside and closing it.

"Follow them!" I yell at Kasuki's parents. They just stare at me in confusion and shock because I almost never talk.

"Izuku had a severe nightmare last night and we came here to stay calm. Izuku has Dissociative Identity Disorder, and Kasuki's explosions might trigger it. His other identity is a cold-blooded killer and will not hesitate to kill him if he gets to close. His other identity knows me and I can help him. Now GO!" I say. Aunt turns around and speeds down the road next to the beach. We follow the sound of the explosions and find Kasiki and Izuku on an empty piece of beach. The look in Izuku's eyes is cold and calculating, indicating that he is in his quirkless identity. I get out of the car and start to head over to Izuku, but I can't get in close due to the explosions.

Deku's Pov

I switch into Quirkless mode and my eyes became cold and calculating. I start thinking of many different ways to avoid Kacchan and take him down. Aunties car pulls up on the road and Shouto steps out of the car and heads towards me. Kacchan launches at me and I move right, avoiding him. He uses his explosions to maneuver around and comes at me. Shouto stays back so he is not hurt by Kacchans explosions. Kacchan hits the ground and I run at him.

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