New Account 😉

23 1 6

So it's been a year...

I'll just remind myself to never EVER look at the old chapters in this book.

So cringy. But anYyyywayyyy

Go follow my new account @HeadPineapples !!!!!!

It's new and I'm way more active there and it's a lot less cringy. I promise 🙃

Wow I've shared a lot of personal information that could probably get me killed one day. My profile picture is way too cute for my liking, but I won't change it because I am no longer using this account.

Okay, I am probably still going to use this account some, but not as much as my new account.

You all mean so much to me!!!! Thank you for tagging along and being friends with me and my cringy 11 year old self!

Okay, if I was 11 I guess it's been two years, not one :/

Oh well. Again, thank you so much and I hope you join me and my adventures with @HeadPineapples

Btw, if anyone is wondering what happened to GracietheGreyDog ...


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