Prologue: The Cruel Destiny

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The wind was blowing hard and cold. There was only white snow everywhere. Nobody was there. The night was dark and long.

There were only sound of gun shots everywhere. I turned back and saw few men running towards me, holding a gun on their hands. My cheeks were red from the cold wind and my body was freezing as I was running barefoot and with only wearing a piece of hijab and cloth that covered my hair and body.

My hands were holding a soft warm body of a child. She was looking at me with fear in her eyes and had tears running down her eyes. She was just a baby.

I panted, holding her tightly on my chest as I ran fast. I wanted to survive and I wanted to protect this baby. I wanted to protect the only family member that I had left.

I heard a gun shot and felt pain on my arm as I felt the bullet shooting on my arm. I gasped in pain but didn't stop running. Tears rolled down my eyes.

I could hear the men yelling for me to stop. But I didn't. I knew the moment I would stop running, I wouldn't make it alive, neither would be this baby.

Blood wetted down my cloth, splattering on the white snow. My body felt weak. I felt another pain gushing down my leg as I got another bullet shot there.

Clenching my teeth, I ran. My breath was heavy now. My body felt weaker. I was loosing a lot of blood. But, I didn't wanted to give up.

Not yet.

Not until I found a way to make sure that the baby was safe.

I needed to keep moving. I needed to keep the promise that I have made to my mother.

So, I ran. I ran until I saw a car driving on the road on the heavy snow. My vision was getting blurry now and my body felt like it was going to freeze any moment.

I hugged the baby tighter to protect it from the cold wind. As my body felt numb, I crashed on the ground, whimpering in pain. The baby was held on my arms. She was crying but she wasn't hurt.

My body wasn't able to move. I was weak.

The car stopped in front of me. The men that were chasing me ran towards me and surrounded me. I was scared. Hugging the baby close to me, I prayed for our safety and life.

'Allah (S.W.T.), please help us,' I said in my mind.

I had no clue of why we were chased. I had no idea why those men broke into our house few hours ago and attacked our parents. Heck, I didn't know if they even let our parents survive.

I escaped with my baby sister and was running a while ago until I collapsed on the ground, being shotted twice. The snow was turning red with my blood.

The car door opened and a man wearing fancy suit came out of the car. He was holding a stick on his hand as he walked. He had a smirk on his face as he stepped near me.

"My, my, is that Inspector Awan's daughter, Sarah?" He laughed.

I greeted my teeth as he pronounced my father's name.

"Waali sir, we told her to stop but she didn't," one of the men who were chasing me stated. "So, we shot her. Twice."

"That's okay," the man wearing the suit said. He leaned near me and twice his eyebrow. "She is really young, huh?"

"Just a 16 year old girl," another man who was chasing me, said. He leaned to touch my arms when I slapped it away.

The man wearing a suit laughed. "She is fisty."

I didn't say anything. I held the baby close and looked at the man.

He looked down to the baby. Then, leaning down his arms near me, he pulled the baby away from my weak hold, making the baby cry harder.

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