Chapter 3: Some Girl Talk

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"Alright, Ms. Awan," I heard the lady on the phone call. "I have set your interview for the Jatt's company at 9:00 AM with Eshan Jatt."

"Yes, thank you," I said on the phone and hang up the phone call.

I sighed and look at the photo of the person who I was given a mission to kill.

It was Eshan Jatt.

One of the most successful businessman who had won the title of the youngest business bachelor celebrity title at the age of 25.

Tomorrow, I was going to to an interview in his office and I had to get in the office, no matter what. Then, I had to begin the mission.

I sighed.

I couldn't believe I had to kill a person like him just because of Waali's stupid plan.

I stared at the photo more closely. The guy on the photo had brown hair with little curls on the back and behind the ears, chocolate brown eyes, tan skin and a faint smile on his lips. He was indeed . . . A-hem . . . A little handsome . . .

No wonder he had his own fan club. Media just loved posting his photo on magazines and newspaper because audience loved his features.

I stared at the photo for a while until I felt two little hands wrapping around my eyes.

"Guess who?" I heard a little girl's voice.

I tried hard not to laugh. No matter what she said, there was only one person in the appartment except me who is Aliya. So, it had to be her who used her hands to blindfold me.

"Guess who is this pretty lady?" I heard her giggling.

"Um . . . Is this . . ." I paused as I sneakily put my arms on the back and grab hold on the little body and pulled her on my lap, making her laugh.

"You cheated, Sarah!" She giggled as she sat on my lap and laughed.

I laughed with her and held her on my arms.

She looked around and her eyes fell on the photo of Eshan. She took the photo on her hand and looked at it and then looked at me with a grin on her face.

"Is this is the guy you are stalking, Sarah?" She asked in exceited voice.

I laughed. "Why would you think that, baby girl?"


That's what she thinks of me?

"Because . . ." She hesitated a little and put her hand on her cheek and thought for a while. "Maybe you like him!"

I frowned. "No, it is not like that -"

"It's okay, Sarah. I won't mind. I approve of him as my brother - in - law," she grinned her with her two front teeth missing.

I laughed. She seriously thought I was going to marry him?

Sure, he was handsome but marrying him?

She didn't even knew that I got a mission to murder him.

Her eyes stared at me as I laughed.

"So, you are not going to marry this cool guy?" She asked with sadness on her eyes.

"No, hon," I smiled and pulled her on my lap. "Why would you think that?"

"Because Sarah," she said and looked at me. "Don't you get lonely when I go to school? If you marry him, you can get a friend and I can get a-" she paused before she finished her sentence and put her hand on her mouth to stop herself.

I looked at her confusingly. "What is it, Aliya?"

She looked at me and shake her head a 'no.'

I tickled her on her stomach, making her laugh. "Tell me!"

She laughed and giggled. "I c-could get-t a b-uunny," she said between her laughter.

I stopped tickling her and rolled my eyes at her.


That's why she wanted me to marry so she could made him buy a bunny for her?

I sighed.

Kids these days are so selfish.

She saw me sighing and climbed out of my lap and put her arms around me. "I am sorry, Sarah," she said, softly. "I promise I won't get mad if you marry a poor guy. I don't want a bunny either. I just don't want you to be lonely, Sarah."

My heart melted as she said those words to me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her.

Lonely, huh?

I had that feeling that since everything was taken away from me five years ago.

My house . . .

My friends . . .

My family . . .

Tears rolled down my eyes.

Everything was taken away from me accept the little body that was hugging me now.

There was no space in my heart for somebody else. More like I was too scared to let somebody in my life.

"Sarah?" I heard Aliya's voice as I found her in front of me. She looked upset and whipped my tears. "Don't cry, Sarah. I don't like it when you cry."

I sighed and shook my head. I whipped my tears and kissed her forehead.

"Sarah, don't worry," she smiled. "I am sure Allah will send a prince charming for you. You know, like how the fairy god mother send Cinderella to her prince."

I laughed at her words.

Silly girl.

That's the difference between a fairy tale and a real world. But of course, Aliya, wouldn't understand it.

I scooped her on my arms and got out of my bed. "Enough talking. We have to pray now."

She giggled and laugh. "Yes! I am going to pray to Allah and ask for a prince for you."

"Silly girl, you talk too much for your age," I laughed with her as I dragged her to the washroom for doing an ablusion before performing the prayer.

Assalamualim and hello!

How are you?

How is this chapter?

The next chapter will be where the two protagonists will crosspath. I am exceited to write it.

Also, guys, I want to say a huge thanks to you because I have only wrote three chapters and there is like 38 votes. You guys rock! Thank you so much guys and please keep supporting me like this.

Please ignore any errors. I will fix it later and once again, guys, love you and thank you so much!


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