Chapter 16: Arriving to Jatt's Mansion

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I parked my car in front of the huge mansion that was owned by the Jatt's family. The mansion was huge and I saw some guards guarding outside the house.

I unplugged my seat belt and looked back to see my little sister wearing her little pink dress that I once got for when when I saved some money out of what Waali payed me.

She looked at me and smiled. "The house is big, Sarah!" She smiled as she unplugged her seat belt as well.

I nodded. I got out of the car and went to her seat door and opened the seat door and scooped her on my arms. Then I closed the car door and locked the car.

I began to make our way towards the mansion main door as I held Aliya on my arms.

"We came here for dinner so make sure to behave, hon," I whispered as I reached near the front door.

She giggled and kissed my cheek. "I will, Sarah. Don't worry," she laughed as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I kissed her on the forehead. "Good girl."

I reached the front door and the guards that were standing in front of the front door looked at me.

"May I know who are you, miss?" One of the guard asked.

I nodded. "I am Sarah Awan and this is my sister, Aliya Awan," I said.

The guards looked at each other and exchanged glanced.

"Do you have any appointment with Mr. Or Mrs. Jatt?" Another guard asked.


"No, we just came here for dinner," I said.

"We are sorry but without his permission, I can't let you in," the guard said.


Before I need to say more, we heard a voice from the balcony of the second floor of the mansion.

We turned to our left and looked up and saw Eshan wearing a nice full sleeved t-shirt and casual pant. His hair looked messy and he looked tired as if he was dumped with a bunch of work.

However, the way he was looking at me made me realize how nice his eyes looked. Even his lashes were-

I stopped myself before I could have any more weird things going on in my mind.

I noticed him smiling at me and unknowingly, I felt myself smiling back.

"Oh, it's Mr. Cool Guy!" We heard Aliya said pointing at Eshan.

Eshan and I, both broke our eye contact and looked away.


This was embarassing.

"Hi there, Mr. Cool Guy!" Aliya waved her hands.

Eshan looked at her and smiled. "Hey hon," he said. He then looked at the guards and nodded. "Let them in. My family have asked to meet them."

The guards nodded and opened the door.

I looked at the interior from the doorway and then turned to Eshan. He smiled and pointed below.

"I will meet you in few minutes," he said as went out of the balcony.

I nodded and walked inside the mansion with Aliya.

As we went inside the mansion, we noticed how lavish the interior was. The walls were made with hard rock and the floor was made with marble. There were big wall arts and beautiful chandeliers hanging from the top of the room.

I stepped inside the huge room which I think was the living room when I heard a loud scream from behind.

I turned around and saw a woman wearing a gooden hijab and long gown and lot of necklaces and rings.

"OMG! YOU CAME!" she screamed and then ran towards me and pulled me in a hug.

I was so confuse about what was going on.

I didn't even know who she was.

She pulled away from the hug. "I am so sorry, hon," she laughed as she looked at me and then to Aliya was was as confused as me. "I was just so exceited to see you after I heard your name from Eshan's name."

I looked at her confusingly.

Eshan talked about me to her?

Who was she anyway?

She noticed how confused I was and sighed. "Forgive me, hon. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Layla Jatt, Eshan's sister-in-law," she said.

Oh, yeah.

Eshan did say he had a cousin and his cousin was married.

So, she must be his cousin's wife.

I noticed her looking at Aliya. "And this little one here, I have heard tons of things about you from Yasir."

Aliya laughed.

Layla picked her from my arms and took her on her arms and hugged her. "Aw, you are so cute. Mash Allah," she laughed and kissed her cheeks.

Aliya giggled and I smiled.

From behind we heard footsteps. We turned back and saw Eshan's grandpa and another guy, looking similar to Yasir and Eshan. He had same eyes and brown curly hair. He was wearing a coat and pant, looking more formal.

Seeing Eshan's grandpa made me a little nervous. After what happened that day, I didn't know how to act with Eshan's grandpa.

Eshan's grandpa looked at me and sighed. "So you are here."

I narrowed my eyes.

How was I suppose to answer that?

The other guy looked at Eshan's grandpa and then at me. His eyes wided in excitement.

"Oh, you are the woman that Eshan talks all the time, isn't it?" The guy said as he walked to me.

I was confused. "I am sorry. I didn't know about it."

He laughed as he reached near and smiled. "It's alright. I didn't expect Eshan to bomb out his feeling to you like that but man," he said as he looked up and down to me. "Eshan got good taste in ladies."


"You don't call it good taste, Syed," Eshan's grandpa said. "She is not even rich. But she got the guts to fight which is why I told her to look for a bride for Eshan."

Syed and Layla looked at each other and laughed.

"Honestly, I don't see how she need to look for a bride when she can be one," Syed laughed.

Eshan's grandpa sighed. "I am against the idea."

Layla sighed and then put her hand on my shoulder. "Grandpa, we have heard about her and -"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he muttered in anger.

Layla sighed and looked at me. "We are sorry, sweetie. I know you had a issue with grandpa but we invited you in dinner to discuss an important issue."

I looked at Layla.

An important issue?

What did the Jatt's family wanted to discuss with me?

This was strange.

"Please follow us to the dinner room," she said as she began to walk towards the dinner table.

I walked behind her to know what she wanted to discuss so badly.

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