Chapter 19: The Phone Talk

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The door cracked open as I opened the door carrying sleeping Aliya on my arms. She was so tired with playing with Yasir that she fell as sleep.

My head was still over flooded with all the stuffs that happened today. I couldn't believe that I said 'yes,' to the marriage.

I didn't know if that was the right decision but it was what I had to do to keep Aliya safe.

I walked to the bed whole holding her on my arms and laid her on the bed. I then took the blanket and tugged it on her as she cuddled with the blanket and was smiling.

A smile formed on my lips.

What was she smiling about? She must be having a good dream.

I heard her mumbling soft words as she giggled in her sleep.

I leaned down to her forehead and kissed her forehead.

This girl, she meant everything to me.

I leaned down my ear near her lips to hear what she was mumbling.

She was giggling as she mumbled, "Little Aliya is going to get a little nephew soon."

I rolled as I heard what she was mumbling.


So she was dreaming about me having a baby?!

What the heck?

Just what type of dreams kids have these days!

I sighed as I kissed her forehead once and got out of the bed. I walked to the dresser and stripped my clothes and wore the home clothes. Then I went to the washroom and did ablusion.

It was the time to pray Isha prayer.

After I did the ablusion, I got out of the washroom and took a prayer mat and put it on the floor. Then I stood on it and began to perform my prayer.

As I finished my prayer, I raised my hands to make dua.

"Allah (S.W.T.), You are the most merciful and most powerful. Please protect Aliya. She means everything to me," I muttered out.

Then memories of today flooded on my head.

"Allah, today I said 'yes,' to the marriage proposal with an ill intention. I don't even know if Eshan wants to marry me. I just agreed to marry him because I had to kill him," my voice cracked as I could feel the tears rolling down my eyes. "Allah, I know killing is a sin. I know that I would be a sinner. But, I feel so trapped. You are the Almighty, Allah. You know everything. You know why I am doing this, Allah. Please show me a way."

Tears rolled down my eyes.

I remembered how in these few days, how much I have began to get closer to Eshan.

I cried harder as I remembered how Waali ordered me to kill Eshan.

"Allah, please do something. Please do something that I don't have to kill Eshan and can still save Aliya," I cried as I closed the prayer.

I whipped my years and folded the prayer mat. I got off the floor and put the prayer mat on the top closet shelf when I heard my phone ringing.

I went to the table where my phone was and without looking at the caller ID, I picked the phone.

"Hello," I said. My voice was still cracked.

"Ms. Awan?" I heard a panicking voice. "Are you okay? What happened? Why is your voice like that? Did something happened?"

I recognized the voice right away. "Mr. Jatt?" I asked.

"Yes, it's me, Ms. Awan," Eshan said. "What happened though? Are you okay?"

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